Was so much into worship just now that no camera should be in the way during the presence of God.
So only during introduction of our guest speaker did I get a chance to take a quick snap on stage where @thelukasband was standing... Sorry @herbie.bergmann you were too far on my right at the time.... 😅
It was a really fantastic worship experience today! Hope you guys will come back again. Decided to top up properly this time and got another CD to bless young generation who will be in need in the future.
Thank you again for showing with just simple 3 backup vocalists, one worship leader, and a full band behind can still sound full to lead the congregation right into worship.
By the way, very surprised that people who sat around me could catch the chorus quick enough for "Power of the Cross".... This is unusual for the main service to catch new (Praise) songs... MUST BE THE POWER OF THE CROSS then.... (pun intended)
A blessed journey to you and the entire team. Thank you for stomping hell and bringing the Good News to the young generation with your #counterculture passion.
Like Deut 30 shared by pastor Jeff, let us all keep reaching to God as He reaches His hand to us.
#music #share2steem #teammalaysia