8 Countries With The World's Longest Continuous Fasting Time

in countries •  7 years ago 

8 countries with the world's longest continuous Fasting Time.jpg


Finland is one of the countries with the world's longest-running fast. In Finland, fasting begins from 1 a.m. to the time of breaking the fast at 12 in the morning again.


If the, fasting in Finland could be about 23 hours, 5 minutes. Because, throughout the year 2016 yesterday, sunset in Finland just over 55 minutes!



Indeed Iceland is famous for its beautiful and also the State of chill. But, beyond that, here's the kicker, anyway it turns out that Iceland is the country with the longest time of fasting? So, if you mention the vacation to Iceland, don't fit the fasting month Yes, can-can you most l fast , If the fast of Finland can be up to 23, in Iceland 22 hours!



Muslims in Swedish also has the same challenge in live time of fasting for one full day. Swedish is one of the countries with the longest fast time, i.e. almost 20 hours. Moreover, Muslims in Sweden amounts to only 5% of the total population. Very good Yes those who hold full fasting for one day!



Alaska does have the longest fast too, but instead, he is also one of the countries with the fastest time of fasting. At the time of the summer, the Muslim citizens should undergo fasting within 20 hours a day, while, in winter, fasting there only needs to be run 5 hours a day!



Countries in Europe is indeed a country with the world's longest-running fast, one Germany. Same like in Indonesia, fasting starts at around 4 am.



In addition to Germany, the United Kingdom is also the country with the longest fast. Though much faster than Iceland and Finland, but the time of fasting in the United Kingdom in any one day almost 19 hours.



Last meal in Canada began at 3 in the morning, not much different from Indonesia. But the difference, in Alaska, fasting ends 18 hours later. Well, for you Muslims who plan to move to Canada for further study, better anchored in Toronto because there are many Muslims in there, so you don't feel the weight underwent fasting alone and in a long time.



Turkish has also become the country's longest-running fast. Same is the case with Canada the last meal at 3 a.m. and breaking at 9 pm, Turkish is also so. But the difference is, the majority of Muslim Turkish society, so you don't feel too heavy because most societal Turkey also fasting.

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Very interesting. So, this is based on if you are Muslim what is sun up to sun down during Ramadan? :)