Covered killing forces

in covert •  last year 

What if somebody could put out a generator underground 90 m beneath the surface of the Earth?

What if it was connected to a worldwide military identification network? 🌎

All they had to do was drop your name, or the sound of your voice and that.

And dead kings could try and kill you using mindless TV addict and TV cameras, and microphones all over the world, including propagandized, senseless people? Who may be drug addict with no rights and conflicts that are being held under and being forced to be killers for people that they do not know who they are?

What if they had a band of steady, armed men in a naval war fleet protecting them?

What if they could hook you up to something like Facebook and while you’re sitting in front of your computer and look at images on Facebook or Instagram Instagram they could use your seat to identify stuff through your central nervous system after giving you drugs

What if they could map out your central nervous system and input devices and objects into your body to activate your responses?

And then connect to a military grade AI using you to conduct and coordinate assaults against others?

What if you had no idea this was happening

And every time you were successful, they gave you a cookie

And when you weren’t working for them, they starved you

What if this is the same method that is sanctions use?

What if after you commit a crime in America that cost somebody more than $2 million they could take you hostage and hold you under arrest to protect their family or until they get all their money back?

What if it’s happening to more than 50 million people globally?………..

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