Covfefe... what on earth is a covfefe?

in covfefe •  8 years ago 

So Donald Trump is at it again, whether intentional or by mistake, he has created a new word and had nearly broke the internet in the process. After tweeting a cryptic message containing the word covfefe.

Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 21.56.50.png

Sean Spicer said Trump "and a small group of people know exactly" what the president meant when he tweeted "despite the constant negative press covfefe.". Others are saying its a typo and should read 'coverage'

In google we already have 2 million results for the new word, mugs and covfefe t-shirts have also appeared in record time.

A quick search on amazon fashion category already has 28 pages of results for the term 'covfefe'

covfefe tshirt

Note: The author does not necessarily agree or disagree with the political theme of these shirts, they are simply reporting on the latest trump phenomenon.

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I love how quickly it became a shirt.
Lol, have a follow.