Canada is OFFICIALLY killing at least one person with a Covid injection EVERY DAY!

in covid-19 •  3 years ago 

In the name of health and safety, an average of one Canadian is being killed by a Covid mRNA injection every day. Remember when they said "if we can save just ONE life with these vaccines, we must"? How about saving lives by NOT giving them? We now know these injections don't stop transmission of the virus. Shouldn't we save lives by banning them? Instead, we are mandating more and more people take them, ensuring more deaths, which can be blamed on Covid and "the antivaxxers". It would be funny if it wasn't so diabolical.

After a few test doses in January, Canada began mass injection with Pfizer and Moderna in March, about 260 days ago.

As my pregnant wife reported today, Health Canada admits that 54 healthy unborn babies have been killed when their mother received the injection, and another 227 vaccine recipients died after taking the shot. That's 281 dead Canadians in 260 days.

Of course, Health Canada is quick to point out that none of those deaths are confirmed, and they could have all been caused by Covid, or an underlying condition, or just bad luck. "We can't know WHY those people died after getting their shot," they claim, even though doctors had to fill out legal paperwork and risk their careers to make those reports. Imagine your healthy parent, child, or spouse falling over dead after taking a Covid injection, and the doctor claiming there's no way to know what killed them, and not reporting it as a vaccine injury? That's exactly what is happening, over and over.

Indeed, we know that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported, so the number of Canadians dying directly as a result of these injections is at least 100 per day.

Currently, and for the past year, Canada claims Covid kills about 20 people per day:

So, officially, Canada is killing 1 person with the injections for every 20 who die from Covid19.

More likely, Canada is killing 5 people with the injections for every person who dies from Covid19.

Serious injuries

When it comes to things like heart attacks, nerve damage, disfigured babies, agonizing pain, permanent disability, brain damage, diseased blood vessels, paralyzed faces, strokes, seizures, swollen limbs, and neurological disorders, a further 4500 Canadians are now affected, and hundreds more every week. That's already half a million when you consider the official numbers are understated by a factor of 100.

Half a million of Canada's 37 million people are already permanently injured, disabled, or dead because of these injections! This doesn't account for all the "minor" side effects like fever, pain, swelling, full body fatigue, rashes, vomiting, etc. Nor does it account for all the "asymptomatic" side effects like cancer rates increasing, slow autoimmune disorders, birth defects, micro clotting in the brain, heart, and lungs, etc. One could ask, does ANYONE who takes these shots escape without unwanted health effects?

First, do no harm

Doctors who recommend patients take these shots will be charged and arrested, and will lose their license to practice medicine. Anyone who helps create, promote, distribute, or administer these injections will also be charged.

"Do no harm" means that if a medication or treatment causes ANY kind of harm to the patient, it must only be used if there are no other alternatives, and only if the patient fully understands and consents to the potential risks and benefits. Surgeries are actually controversial in some medical circles because the scalpel does harm. Pharmaceuticals are controversial in some medical circles because the unwanted (side) effects do harm. For centuries, medical professionals have used the principles of medical ethics to guide their practice. Today, they follow official orders, or they are fired and censored.

Killing one Canadian every day with these shots is doing massive harm. And that's just the vastly understated official numbers! This entire vaccination program is unconstitutional, in violation of the Nuremberg Code, and completely disregards the Hippocratic Oath.

How could anyone inject a fellow human - especially 5-year-old children now! - with something that is killing AT LEAST one of their fellow citizens every day? Each time they inject that stuff, they must know they're risking the recipient's life, and permanently damaging their health.

This is unconscionable. Complete madness! It must stop!

And the complicit corporate media must pay for their treachery.


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