I just obtained Ivermectin tablets, and took my first dose! This drug has antiviral, antiparasitic, and other powerful benefits, in humans and many other mammals. Billions of doses have been prescribed and taken for the past 40 years, the discoverers won a Nobel Prize for it, India defeated the Delta variant with it, and... well, you know all this. If you've been reading my posts at all in the past couple months, you've heard me talk about Ivermectin, link to new studies, expose corporate media censorship, and so on. Ivermectin works against Covid, and is incredibly safe. It's a viable alternative to the "vaccines" being forced on the population, so it is slandered, censored, even prohibited. But I've got my hands on 60 tablets - each a full dose for a large adult, enough to knock Covid right down. It's even effective against future variants, and other viral (or parasitic) issues currently unknown. Ivermectin takes the fear out of Covid, and makes the vaccine mandates illegal and immoral since a good alternative exists.
My tablets were produced by an Indian drug company, and sold through a pharmacy in Israel. A reader here on Hive named @apshamilton responded to my post offering 1000 HIVE for 60 tablets shipped to me in Canada. We made the arrangements, I sent a 100 HIVE deposit, he shipped the tablets, I received them, and I sent the other 900 HIVE!
Thank Yous
My sincere gratitude to:
- apshamilton for the smooth transaction
- the Hive blockchain for facilitating the offer, and being the payment method
- my other readers, viewers, and friends for their suggestions and support
I took the first tablet 8 hours ago and so far I haven't noticed anything (which is to be expected). Assuming all is well in a couple days, I'll take another full tablet, and go from there.
I also plan to put at least a couple cards away for my family. These are fresh for at least 3 more years.
And soon I'll be giving away one card (10 tablets x12mg each) of Ivermectin to someone else who needs it but has been having trouble getting it. I know how frustrating it can be! I've been trying to get my hands on these tablets for months now. I've got the funds and I'm motivated, but there were still a lot of barriers. So watch for an upcoming post where I'll announce how I'm going to select someone to receive this medicine in the mail.
I don't feel I overpaid. (Current value of 1000 HIVE is $810 USD.) I was talking about this with my wife earlier today. We both agreed that money (and currency) is to be spent. Sure, we both believe in savings, absolutely. In fact, after more than 4 years of nonstop content-creation, this is the first time I've ever spent any of my earnings on myself (I previously spent several thousand dollars on a water pump for a neighborhood in Venezuela). I've never powered down. I prefer to hold my HP to power up my votes, so I can support content I believe in. But I needed Ivermectin, I had the funds available. It's what it took for me to get what I wanted/needed. The dollar price doesn't really factor into it all that much for me.
So in the end, it was a success. Without a smart device, without a bank account, without a credit card, I got some hard-to-locate medicine delivered to my hands. Using nothing but my home PC with internet connection. My content generated crypto payouts, and someone valued those tokens enough to give me what I asked for. I'm satisfied, he's satisfied, even the postal service is satisfied. Everybody got what they want. To me, that's a success for the free market, for voluntarism, and for crypto.
Thanks again for helping make this happen! And the good news doesn't end here - because this worked out, somebody else will get enough Ivermectin to treat a small family for Covid. I'll post on that soon.
Seeing Joe Rogan absolutely bitchslap Sanjay Gupta with knowledge about Ivermectin last week was hilarious. "You dumb mother%$#@er!" Incredible how CNN spun that afterward. And they're back to pretending it's just "horse paste". But too late, millions more people now see the emperor has no clothes.