The Coronavirus in a country full of calamities

in covid-19 •  5 years ago 

A very tough start to the week in Venezuela. What was feared arrived, the coronavirus or Covid-19 officially entered the country and with it not only the fear of the pandemic but also how to face it in a country with a crisis as aggravated as the health crisis ... although the government officially announced 17 confirmed cases, many say there must be many more cases ...
As of today, Monday 16/03, a quarantine enters into force in 7 of the 24 states of the nation, and with it the desperation of many to stock up on food. The salary does not even cover a week of quarantine and more if more people live in a house ...
Between Saturday and Sunday I observed how citizens bought everything they could, even many took advantage of the situation and sold masks or masks at very high prices.

The situation on the border with Colombia has been very dramatic since many work there or simply go to buy products that are not available here or are very expensive ...

Anyway, I just hope that this doesn't get out of hand for the government and that citizens are more aware of the measures taken by the government ...

Un inicio de semana muy duro en Venezuela. Lo que se temia llego, el coronavirus o Covid-19 entro oficialmente al pais y con ello no solo el miedo por la pandemia sino por como enfrentarlo en un pais con una crisis tan agravada como lo es la sanitaria... si bien el gobierno oficialmente anuncio 17 casos confirmados, muchos dicen que deben de haber muchos mas casos...

Ya a partir de hoy lunes 16/03 entra en vigor una cuarentena en 7 de los 24 estados de la nacion, y con ello la desesperacion de muchos por abastecerse de alimentos. El sueldo no abarca ni para cubrir una semana de cuarentena y mas si en una casa habitan mas personas...
Entre el sabado y domingo observé como ciudadanos compraban todo lo que podian, incluso muchos se aprovechaban de la situacion y vendian a precios muy altos los tapabocas o mascarillas.

La situacion en la frontera con Colombia se ha visto muy dramatica ya que muchos trabajan alla o simplemente van a comprar productos que aca no se consiguen o estan muy costosas...

En fin, solo espero que esto no se le escape de las manos al gobierno y tengan mas conciencia los ciudadanos en cuanto a las medidas adoptadas por el gobierno...

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