Covid nonsense taken to a new level (of height!)

in covid •  3 years ago 

The Covid fearmongering is never-ending to those that choose to buy into it. As I have stated before I am not afraid of something that for my age range has a 99.8% survival rate and I can't understand the mind of a person who doesn't feel this way. The media is the enemy if you ask me and when someone forwarded me this news clip as an LOL I had to look it up because I was thinking that there is no way that this can be a real news article.


This isn't exactly a brand new article of course and i think you could argue that in July of 2020 that panic at the disco was at an all time high for most of the world. This was right around the time that my community was no longer listening to mandates or orders for store closures.

We had endured situations where restaurants were still to some degree adhering to the rules passed down by legislation and it was just stupid. You had to have a mask on from the entrance of restaurants to your table, but as soon as you sat down you could take it off and you could have your entire meal with it off. However, if you needed to use the bathroom you had to have the mask on. You also had to have it on as you walked out of the restaurant. All of the staff had to wear masks as well. It was just insane.

I am over 6 feet tall so I guess I dodged a bullet here as far as Covid is concerned because at it turns out I was in a very high risk group for catching covid based on my height! What an absolutely crazy thing for someone to turn into a news story but then again I am as tall as some people even when I am sitting down, so I must have been in danger even when I was sitting in the restaurants. It is truly amazing that I am still alive!

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Is it like #globalwarmingclimatechangedisruption where everywhere in the world is warming twice as fast?

probably. I saw an article today where some researcher has said it is "guaranteed" that the ocean levels are going to rise 5 feet in the next 20 years or something. He probably went to the same college as that scientist that predicted the entire world's population was going to get eradicated by Covid.

Covid-19 does not have anything to do with height as the news story said, But the vulnerability of the immune system to the virus. This is my own understanding.
Thank God you're alive as opposed by their vindication.

Wow this is very informative post, I don't even know about it. Am going to do more research on this, to discover more. The COVID19 pandemic is a very dangerous disease. So I think that tall people should protect thereselves more to avoid the deadly virus.