Here's a Bloomberg piece from a few days ago that tries to rank the performance of various jurisdictions in the face of Covid, by a range of metrics that are then aggregated. Still a work in progress and obviously a bit fuzzy but the broad pattern and takeaways are clear.
One striking thing is how well East Asia has done and how badly a lot of Europe has done (Belgium is right down in the relegation zone but that is a bit artificial because of the way they counted deaths initially but even if you allow for that they will easily be the worst in Europe).
The US has done poorly, particularly given its wealth and healthcare resources. Latin America has been a disaster area.
An interesting thing is that before this started the UK and US were rated as 'best prepared 1 and 2' by the WHO and now they are in the lower half of the table - it's like those predictions recently of how Man Utd were going to challenge for the title again.
In many ways a key point is the final couple of sentences. I think in ten years or even sooner we will look back on 2020 as the point where East Asia definitively became the hub of the world economy.