'We All Feel At Risk'

in covid •  5 years ago 


Fear mongering begins.

Usually I expect better from NPR but the article linked above ("We all feel at risk:100,000 people dead from COVID") is a totally bogus and biased article. It puts a spin on everything, and very obviously to promote fear and elevate the trauma.

Here are a couple of things of note:

  1. The initial response to the virus was a prediction of about 1 million deaths. Now all of a sudden 100,000 is more than what was expected.

  2. A one paragraph analysis of why blacks and Native Americans suffer more from it mentions only dubious socio-economic circumstances, and fails to mention the widely acknowledged genetic differences that make them more vulnerable - notably pre-existing conditions and a deficiency of vitamin D.

  3. A complete failure to analyze the objectives of any lock down. Implying that the effect of the lockdown is to permanently avoid deaths rather than simply to delay them.

  4. No analysis of the deaths caused by lockdown.
    Much of the article is taken up by simply directing pot shots at Trump. Painstakingly analyzing his statements in retrospect. Nothing about what the various governors have said or done.

No mention anywhere of the bits of good news emerging about the pandemic. The whole thing is a disgrace. Seemingly to fuel and expand the degree of pessimism suffusing the population.

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