Generic letter objecting to university mandatory vaccine policies

in covid •  3 years ago 

Repurposed from something I wrote earlier privately:

The time I give to sending personal replies to people, finding and filtering information that saves lives and psyches, is time I don't give to looking after myself, recovering from previous attacks, or resourcing myself by launching new projects. It is only with the goodwill of many others that I have been able to do this. I have applied all my intellectual capability to giving people clarity, and all my heart capacity to giving people encouragement.

It has been pretty brutal, and I've wobbled a lot and strayed around dealing with the stress, but I'm still here and still going. Psychological warfare is a real battlefield with real casualties and injuries. Now I have some breathing space I can write something about the essence of all this: child sacrifice, psychologically breaking those who are deceived into participating in it, and spiritually breaking those who look on helpless to stop it.

I had a “normal” executive salary at BT in 2009, then spent years living on the margin to do paradigm busting science in distributed computing; “impossible” things according to the insane mainstream. I never got to collect the economic prize, though. At least not yet…

For maximum harm to the Fake News and Big Tech enemy, I give nearly everything I do away for free. No friction in my memetic attacks as I have left absolutely no space for intellectual assault on the Q movement. Occupied all of that elevated terrain!

They have to use dirty censorship and crass propaganda, which exposes them. They can't bring on sock puppet academics to give a veneer of respectability as they can't withstand the heat of our light. Q is a "no go" zone... which leaves them all exposed and discredited as this flips.

This war of attrition forces me to exist outside the system without collapsing in the face of ostracism and assault. I can never go back to my old career. Wouldn't want to either! I have fought hard for America for a long time, and prefer to make it to see freedom flourish again.

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