Please don't be like Phil Valentine.

in covid •  3 years ago 


Even if you got infected with the coronavirus, please get at least one dose of the vaccine. The risk of reinfection is now higher with Delta. Especially so if you weren't infected recently. Those infected more than 6 months ago are more likely to no longer have sufficient neutralizing antibodies against Delta.

If you get vaccinated after being infected your antibody titers are generally even higher than either the unvaccinated previously infected or the fully vaccinated that were never infected. You would be very protected! The risk of reinfection of the unvaccinated previously infected is over 2x the risk for the vaccinated previously infected.

And regardless of when you were infected you are recommended to get vaccinated. There was a recommendation to wait three months to get vaccinated if previously infected due to a vaccine shortage. But that no longer applies.

Every good experiment needs a control group to get infected.

I never understood how this talking point became the go-to. These vaccines have some of the largest clinical trials ever. Jonas Salk tested his Polio vaccine on himself and his family in their kitchen. Early vaccines that many of these people no doubt received had significantly less testing and ethical oversight than these vaccines.

There is nothing experimental about the coronavirus vaccines. Hundreds of thousands of people in several global clinical trials successfully tested these vaccines. It has been over 17 months since the first human received a coronavirus vaccine. 10 months since Pfizer gave its phase III trial participants their second doses.

5 billion doses have been given globally.

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So whats the solution?

Getting a vaxxed every 6 months for the rest of our lifes?