The unvaccinated group are getting destroyed by the virus relative to the vaccinated.

in covid •  3 years ago 

The facts are clear, the vaccine reduces serious illness, in many cases stops infection, and greatly reduces the transmission window making vaccinated much less likely to spread the virus to others.

Even with delta variant calculated in the vaccines are working amazingly well. It’s okay to admit to the facts/evidence. No, it’s not a data conspiracy across all hospitals and doctors. These are just straightforward and honest facts and real data.

The vaccines work amazingly well and the unvaccinated are at much higher risk of hospitalization, death, and spreading any of the covid variants.

Vaccinations have been required of health care workers for years. Why did so many suddenly develop "religious" objections and decide their rights are being trampled?

Does "pro-life" mean caring more about a cell line grown from fetal tissue from an abortion 4 decades ago being used in vaccine development than about the 2,000 Americans dying of COVID per day?

Is this what it means to "love your neighbor as yourself"?

Next we'll have people demanding to work in health care without being vaccinated for influenza, MMR, Hep B, diphtheria, and whooping cough; claiming religious objections to being tested for tuberculosis; and refusing hand hygiene because they have a different "opinion" about the science and believe their God-given right to a thriving micro-organism population on their hands is more important than concerns about patient safety concocted by the medical establishment and their co-conspirators in the greedy disinfectant industry.

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