I thought the bad end of this covid-19-stick is actually getting hospitalized with a slim but arguably - if you're one of the unfortunates who'd get severe complications - ninety-percent chance to die.
But here I am, out of job and have been trying to do quick hustles on the street like giving strangers a ride anywhere with negotiable fees (I'm in Cebu) by which you would actually get a decent amount of income way back before Covid struck.
I have submitted my resume to more or less than 30 companies for any position (call-center, admin staff, delivery and janitor) since I consider myself versatile but the driving factor is that I'm desperate. I'm almost a month without a job and wished I didn't leave my previous job despite the fact that it's been giving me inconveniences which I don't want to go to its detail. Now it's giving me stress and anxiety with the bills and debt that are piling up. If the stress catches up to me, I will also have to deal with buying my medication if my clinical depression relapses. Hell! Even getting budget for a liter of gasoline is a mountain to climb for me now.
Just expressing my thoughts here which I couldn't do with any mainstream social-media sites. And for anyone living in 3rd-world countries out there during this pandemic, don't you ever quit your current job right now! Better have a crappy job than nothing at all. Stay on your boats until the storm passes. Stay alive, brothers and sisters.