“Stop the Shot”: Resistance through Science, Religion, and Law

in covid19 •  4 years ago 


The video press conference lasted from 12:00pm EST until roughly 2:00pm—a fast-paced event, with numerous speakers. Pre-conference releases from the foundation indicated that the event would present new information, shared by the lead attorney in a US lawsuit against the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) regarding the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and the under-reporting of deaths and injuries. We were informed that the presentation would include an update on the CDC Whistleblower affidavit, which indicates “more than 45,000 actual deaths have taken place following the COVID shot, versus the VAERS reports of only 11,000”. In fact, the news was even more astounding than that. In addition, the press conference was to provide previously undisclosed data from both Pharma-clinical trials and subsequent additional studies on the injectables related to “specific, serious, immediate, and long-term impacts on fertility in both men and women”. Finally, updates on medical studies concerning actual “vaccine” immunity would be discussed, as well as information about current lawsuits, and the theological implications of pandemic management....

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