Pandemic Virus Corona (Covid-19) updated by June 27, 2020
Updated by the date of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) influenza - Constant update
Updated at 12:45 on June 27, 2020
Bulletin at 6pm on June 27 of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control said that Vietnam did not have new cases
VIET NAM HAS A THIRD POLICE OF 353, of which 330 have been diagnosed
COVID-19, an acute respiratory infection caused by a new strain of corona virus, was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China in December 2019. Subsequently, the disease spread to many provinces in China. To date, 215 countries / territories around the globe recorded cases. In which the United States is the country with the highest number of infected people
In the world: People with: 9,910,135 Cured: 5,360,816 People died: 496,991 Of which:
Nation Of Infected People
United States 2,552,918 127,640
Brazil 1,280,054 56,109
Russia 620,794 8,781
India 509,446 15,689
England 309,360 43,414
Spain 294,985 28,338
Peru 272,364 8,939
Chile 263,360 5,068
Italy 239,961 34,708
Iran 217,724 10,239
Germany 194,399 9,026
Turkey 194,511 5,065
Mexico 208,392 25,779
Pakistan 198,883 4,035
Saudi Arabia 174,577 1,474
France 162,639 29,778
Bangladesh 130,474 1,661
Canada 102,735 8,507
Qatar 92,784 109
China 83,462 4,634
#CoVid 2020