in cpf •  6 years ago 


I go back and wrote about CPF ...
Why rich pomegranate, Singapore Why rich pomegranate, Japan South Korea, Why China is rich pomegranate leader. The leaders set up the system. Leaders leaders, nurturing system The new generation will always survive.
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Singapore's growth in the short term, The number of long-term project leader and developer of a savings collection, Technology to increase savings and Israeli peoples, APPLY obtained from the Chinese people. Israel is about the money received from the public system. His citizens Singapore CPF to the bank. . America CPF model serves as a 501 (c) use the data within a week salary. Close to 3 weeks. To borrow and pay interest on credit owners left rubber bands ..
Social Security employer 5%. Japan 5% savings system where Myanmar workers. Singapore companies are practiced in Burma. The companies must be practiced.
A banking system in Singapore CPF (National Interest). July 22, 2014

Benefits of collecting money, - The Deputy Minister of Singapore's parliament, to explain the results.
Myanmar government's 6% salary savings system since the Social Security Fund would Executable implementation of Labor in July 2014, welcomed the statement. The collection of money, but in practice very difficult to please everyone. Especially Burma's salary, Food not fulfill any more difficult.
Economist Dr. Research bulletin, Articles Published several books, He is working. Poverty Reduction and Economic Policy, -134 policy (7), "the self-ego Retrogress Han domination of any country, Any natural resources, How rich, poor country to make sure You can see the poor countries in the world today, Therefore, the structures of business cronies need to eliminate. ..., "he wrote. The collection rate of about -196 in the court of the "1960 Thailand's collection from an average 20% increase to 35% in the 1990s. Saving collection came into the ears close Investment Thailand's National Capital Stock increase. "I wrote.
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The shaking increased economies improve, Political and economic policies, The Action program project of the "collection" method. It can not be the immediate benefits for the nation, but he and his family benefits.
Myanmar Vice President Sai's visit to Singapore in July -2014 China. Singapore, US, Japan, South Korea and countries, for example in Myanmar I travel frequently. ministers, Departmental officials, There are many private entrepreneurs Studies. Studies, for example, corruption Rail, road, Civil Works, CPF study by the Bank Savings recruiting.
Each country, Family and social problems, Very systematic, The analyst is causing about 70% identity, livelihood and social scientists found that insufficient. Means the food is a basic human level. The families of four family $ 2,000 a day, clothing, shelter You can get to the world poverty line defines the Poverty Line. The poverty line in a different country. 23 formed, including the United Nations and the World Bank global poverty defined in the $ 1.25 a person.
The chart at www.unicef.org (2011 data) and poverty in Myanmar.
2014 Myanmar said, "A family of four people - $ 2,000 a day," and set a $ 0.50 calculate.
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Marriage to 2,000 shekels a day to issue what happens. $ 2,000 to the cost of a meal with vegetable leaves. 5,000 shekels per person a day in urban areas has become a problem to find. I want to hold your own money. Monetary and social problems 70%, if not unity The money-saving practice to junior. Myanmar, licenses, permits, such as the already rich. But most people do not rest anymore. Please examine your friends. Savings can be found a little family problem.
People can not even eat. Unable to find work, It is difficult to collect mone 5% of their salary, If you ordered a 10% cut, Angry about that. Thanks to the collection of public administration, however, must begin. If the government can not collect their own labor, Just like children, encouraged to collect, Those who can be wild after 10 years of social problems. By the way, if you hold religious experience can save money simply because his contentment. Less of a problem in their family.
My father, mother, unable to collect, Years of family trouble. Each government because of the government to collect the world's poorest are good to keep following the sign. Corruption in the world in 2012, it increased 6 cents above it. Keep trying.
Bank of Singapore's CPF savings results
Singapore As long as they work in order to collect the CPF bank began in 1955. Israel and the Singapore Government was established in cooperation with financial experts advice. Most people will spend money if Business usually anonymous. So most people's income is collected from government. Especially in the government and to attract companies to participate, Savings from staff credit system just to sell low-cost houses built HDB flat government shipping.
Singapore CPF intention of banking and build HDB flats, a government of U Nu of Burma Atomic Project and insists, completed the construction of apartments.

Singapore government, visit Atomic Project Were studied. Construction since 1960. At that time, 4 floor apartment in Burma. Now, the Singapore Department of Housing Apartment least high-rise HDB flats with a total of 1 million (Key Statistics, 1,011,027 units, 2012), built for Singapore citizens CPF've sold to collect money. Is being built.
The bank account on the public employees CPF savings to buy homes, Medical and old age pension payments, etc.. Workers had to pay 20% The employer cost about 20%. Worker's age, Different depending on the salary percentage. How much of his savings there. How much is the interest rate on the Internet and can be viewed at any time in Ontario The statement paper postal money has been sent regularly.

Singapore permanent resident permit for PR, Permanence Resident Bank CPF savings are extremely important. Because, if it's going to leave Singapore All these savings, the Singapore government Source reproduced all 10 days. But Singapore Citizen this feature never retrieved the money is badly structured.
A lot of money, so the national wealth are CPF savings bank itself. Singapore's interest rates than banks. CPF savings Screenwriter class is rich, Entrepreneurs. They handled their money CPF money banks do not accumulate. Labor staff and 30% of their income.
For example, Salary Income $ 3000, Employee CPF Contribution 18% ordinary graduation, if you earn $ 3,000 a month, 3 image ($ 1000) - the CPF savings. So if an employee is $ 12,000 a year to collect The increase of more than 20 years roots, Has become a $ 5 million kyats. But most ordinary staff of more than a thousand dollars a month. Bank of their CPF savings is $ 300 a month, you can save $ 3,600 per year. 20 years in the capital will be able to collect nearly a hundred thousand dollars. The money collected 65 years old and made available for about $ 500 monthly retirement pension system.
CPF can see the details on the bank's web www.cpf.gov.sg. For example, in favor of more time, if you earn a thousand dollars a month paid 800 dollars in the hands of staff. Savings of $ 360 ($ 360) a month. The following salary savings, 20% = $ 200 The company has 16% additional payment of $ 160, 3 Savings bank account provided to Ordinary, Special, Medisave. In fact, the total salary of $ 1160 subtracted. Savings of $ 360, The net cash balance of $ 800. Although a bit confused staff Company Three government Satisfy applicable exchange too.
Basic Salary = $ 700
Additional OT wages = $ 300
Total wages = $ 1000
Employee's share of CPF contribution 20% = $ 200
Employer's share of CPF contribution 16% = $ 160
Employ take home = $ 800.
Total CPF contribution = $ 360
Published on: July 8, 2014
The benefits of the CPF savings bank system
Home ownership

The first profit after 10 years of collecting, The government purchased the house. Prices are about 20% of CPF money to money, You can just buy a house without money. If not the full value of 20% by keeping your money. These are owned by the Singapore CPF banking family. The remaining 80% of the value of CPF monthly installments can not just hand money money anymore. The house owned Singapore CPF system is a major factor. Singapore citizens for food, clothing, shelter, the government must create a true service, Create many jobs needing a cell phone. Yes. Officials at the caliber is too good income, Most ordinary income. Despite work to collect money for those with average income is easy to say, Work hard. House looks to far right. CPF system is successful in Singapore where every citizen family the opportunity to build an apartment owned HDB Flat.
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His family and the cost of treatment

Singapore Health Insurance, Each employer is responsible. So, clinic workers After getting hospitalized, The company responsible, Cost of the insurance company. However, his family is ill, Hospital insurance, lack of money. CPF banking family has health insurance (Medi-shield) the cost of a hospital. However, if more than set CPF taken out of the health funds were used. So his savings if hospitalized with his family's lack of money no need to worry. CPF system is responsible.
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Life Insurance, Children's education, Stock

Singaporeans of all CPF members. Best for them, Life Insurance The government asked to buy using this savings. For example, by keeping a $ 70 a year About to go kill himself, The wife left a guaranteed fee of $ 5 thousand, There are family. cancer, The cost of treating heart disease, was diagnosed with a Surgical treatment would be to restore the life insurance. Collect your CPF money my wife, I found for children to buy life insurance. Those who have savings for their children's education, The government set the stock purchase gives access to the CPF savings.
When retired, the money (pension)

His 55-year-old Bank of CPF Still, leaving the money Return the extra money. After the age of 65 years from the rest of the money issued as a monthly pension. Although more than 55 years old and does not work. But something about (for example), if you can not work because of health recommendation Monthly Umno fee available. SSD to collect his money. The government saved money, bank Interest calculated annually, It works.

For example, a $ 2 million kyats to buy a house, he has been out of 6 thousand, Add the rest of the money government CPF bank. Health, you can set aside up to $ 4 more than 8 thousand. This money, medical and medical expenses paid. CPF bank if health costs are not enough hospital expenses in cash (or SSD) just installments.
Similarly, the international systems of government employees, labor savings

The United States and European countries to tax Tax cut directly from the salary. The salary cut of up to 40%. This is called Social Security in the United States. The government funds for public consumption. The unemployment allowance. health Social issues such as education, special rates and government support. Especially accommodation and food, in addition to the government accountable for the aged Monthly pay subsidies. Access to medical treatment. In late 1960 the vulnerability of the body because there is much money to support yourself and Singapore CPF system is practiced in many countries.
Malaysia EPF banking
Began in 1951. Two workers Monthly savings. Labor cost anything to take in retirement. In 2012 more than 13.6 million, has 6.4 million subscribers who regularly buy. Malaysian citizens collected money to RM526.8 billion.
Vietnam Social Insurance System
The previous government, Had a pension salary. 2007 employees of the government of the Social Insurance System and shipping. Like Singapore's CPF system can collect the 6% of salary. 2012, has 7% 2014 has announced an 8% growth, and to collect. Unlike Vietnam, Singapore, people do not want the salary. So from the government are not, Home, health Education, Retirement funds feel. Employees of private companies, SSD for those who own business attractive. The retired detective's agriculture was not needed in the public interest.
Maybe it's so interested in public unemployment Unemployment Benefit offers access to regenerate the monthly savings. Unemployment could work in the last 6 months the average savings helps regenerate new monthly access. Family Home, health The cost of education also helps to enjoy alongside the insurance industry. Collect more minded, Voluntary Social Insurance scheme for 2008 has been enacted. Workers can collect 18%. Time can not stand. This modest savings privileges from the government, Credit to purchase houses, health Education, insurance benefits and draw Encouraging savings.
Philippine Social Security System
US Social Security System has since ruled out were working properly. After Japan, during World War II The Philippines became the richest country in Asia. But since the army general and President Marcos dictatorship era, Growing in the temperate crony system, Poor countries. Many jumped into the country. Social Security Fund, as did the United States do about government employee benefits. No impact on the public.
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So Singapore's CPF system, especially in Southeast Asia, Malaysia Vietnam applied to copy. Even US 401 (k) on the Singapore system. American employees of the company to decide whether to add the same current Social Security Fund The new 401 (k) can be determined whether the same.
CPF Similarly, The International Savings Systems

EPF Employee Proficient Fund (Malaysia)
Social Insurance System (Vietnam)
Social Security System SSS (Philippine)
National Social Security System (Indonesia)
National Insurance (UK)
Social Security in France
South African Social Security Agency
Social Security (United States)
Social Security (Sweden)
Social Security (Australia)
Abdominal Israel -Social Security and Welfare.
The current collection of public and government system
.Burma's government employees have no savings system. The Life Insurance Corporation previously had a system of government savings. The last military dictatorship in Burma illegal border advertising, notes ... Banks illegal advertising on the looting of public money, Museum activities affecting lost bank savings system Burma state. The government notes produced, Myanmar's government banks, All private trust broke down.
2011 (a), said the rise of democracy The dollar is set to default six Myanmar kyat has been revoked, US were holding valid domestically. The rights to the private banks, Insurance services and public confidence in the banks now. Many banks, savings became wild revival. If hands overcharging gold, silver, Real Estate, telephone, Works stored on the car purchased by the bank savings system, Keeping possession of dollars, The bank continued to increase by collecting about $.
The current Myanmar government employees pension benefits. Ordinary, except for removing Family health workers, Education is not a guarantee. The public, especially farmers impoverished. I could not even destitute. Family about 2,000 shekels a day urban public roundly condemned. Good enough. Sometimes farmers to farm crops does not eat money. However, the level of poverty at the global level are international poverty Liberation project and loan, To help the passengers.
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UN agencies, The World Bank, Asian bank, Japan, a jack money because the government is handling multiple users convenient world of government finance. I hope we can prevent corruption servants. However, most of the staff salaries There is not only a mobile phone SIM card, Maybe it's something in the health insurance system that can not afford the cost of hundreds staff. Cheerful staff, family health, The cost of education affordable.
The majority of staff in the bank to collect the house, let alone Abu. Myanmar government to argue apartmentstrain. You are not allowed to rent the apartment Abu.
Since staff of the Government Overview Singapore CPF system savings to the system as soon as possible.
Singapore developers, company employees visit Burma CPF system, Collect. 5% of employees, The company allows you to collect 5% The end of the job. Rather than outside staff said, there are a lot of salary Jobs do not have to. , Medical leave The cost of medical treatment also want a lot of the foreign company's bad performance. I returned to Singaporedoing business in Burma, his employee savings system to collect from. Beneficial for both sides. Something's health, Available social problem if the company's employee savings for emergency use. Very efficient system, because the government can not apply the right spirit, Gladly welcomes the business have to collect more.
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crd by@Tomjerry

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