MAGIC (no questions no reasons) by Craig Grant

in craigrant •  9 years ago  (edited)

No questions, no reasons,
my eye sees it I experience MAAAGIC
In the moment, flowing to the next moment
wave ocean MAAAGIC
Hologram reflect my emotional
mental state of being, it's MAAAGIC
mushroom alien nanotechnology
follow the flow into MAAAGIC
see the smile on my face
when the vibration radiates
projecting MAAAGIC
RIVER!, water flows in Sun
flowers bloom full moon shine MAAAGIC
BUYAKA! kaboooom, I zoom across
space and time and space with MAAAGIC
BUYAKA! kaboooom, I zoom across
space and time and space with Ma MA MAAAGIC!
I take a deep breath, the air spins
spiraling through my lungs like wings
magic brings bliss to my life
it's in my vibration and so I sing
I crown my self King of my own reality
reflecting me and my copies
my friends, I cannot exist if it
not be for them, YES, to give me
confirmation of MAAAGIC
reverse energy,
it cost to get while giving is free
Yes MAAAGIC, reverse energy,
it cost to get while giving is free
that's the perceptionology and experience
that shines thru me
BUYAKA! kaboooom, I zoom across
space and time and space with MAAAGIC
BUYAKA! kaboooom, I zoom across
space and time and space with MAAAGIC!

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  ·  9 years ago (edited)

damn you should be a rapper not crypto trading lol you got talent... but nah we need you talking about crypto currency and telling us your opinion

Its like a rap version of ray charles

Booyakaa! Kaboooom i zoom across space and time and space with maaagic!
BoyaaaaaaaaaKaaaaaaaaa! Sweet! :D

@craig-grant I've been following your posts and YT videos since @Crypt0 talked about how a great guy you are in one of his videos. You are really entertaining and knowledgeable, please show some support on my blog, I'm taking Steemit seriously. I'll keep in touch.

melody is sick...dope sounds!

Hot S@#$! I love the flow my man:) Question: If someone wanted to submit tracks for you to flow over, how would that work? & If you liked it, would you pay them in Steem? (I just had to ask:)

send the track, see what happens

Cool Bro...Where would you like me to send it to?

Okay sent Bro...Let me know If you received It ok?

I dig it man!

I came across this song a while ago on youtu.