Keep working, stop paying! #11

in crapitalism •  6 years ago 

The workers of the world do all the work.
At any given point, the workers can stop playing crapitalism and free themselves from wage slavery.
They won't, of course, but they could.

That is where you come in, dear reader.
Remind your friends that if the workers rise up in solidarity, instead of ceo's getting hundreds of millions for showing up each day, they can find a more equitable way to spread the wealth that is created by their labors.

I mean, good luck getting past the indoctrination, but a journey of 1000 miles begins with the possibility of the journey happening at all.

Currently, the workers will deny that what I propose is even possible.
I'm sure you, dear reader, are skeptical, too.
But, the fact remains, we can manage the world in a different way and everything will be even better than it is today.

By beginning to remind the workers that they hold the power to set the world right, we can begin to set the world right ourselves.
Instead of taking the easy way out and bowing to our oppressors, we can begin to pushback by spreading ideas held blasphemous by the crapitalusts.

If the status quo is against it, likely you should be for it.
After all, it's a club, and you ain't in it.

Why do you figure sooo many resources are expended corrupting definitions and denying that any alternatives to crapitalism are even possible.
Ask yourself, why was sooo much effort put into getting you to accept that this is the only way that life can be managed?
Why was socialism in the USSR rebranded as communism in the united snakes?
Anybody with on ounce of sense knows that what happened in Russia was not communism.
Here is a report from the scene by a lady that wasn't educated by the state.

What would happen if the supply chain rose up in mass and refused to play crapitalism anymore?

Instead of having to slave away making somebody else richer, they could just continue to distribute, and make, consumer goods, in return for their contribution of labor they can have anything available on the web.

It's not really for free, the work has to be done, but instead of trading the work for wages, instead of playing crapitalism, the workers can distribute those goods to the folks that have them coming and receive as wages whatever they want to order from the web.

Instead of living in a dystopia where those doing the most labor have the least rewards, those working can order whatever the hell they want from the web, for free.

Sure some things will come with waiting lists in the first few months of getting used to living in abundance, but nothing that good management of workers can't overcome with a little patience.

As it is today, if you have the money, you can have anything, anywhere.
One day, it will be the shame of workers everywhere if somebody anywhere has to wait for his delivery more than a day, or two.

Why is it ok that kids starve anywhere on the planet?
It's not like we don't have the capacity to right the economic wrongs in the world.

What we have is rule by force.
It concentrates goods in the hands of the few.
Those few have cross purposes to the rest of us.
They use the resources concentrated in their hands to create a willing slave class.
Comfortable slaves don't rebel, they become crackers, they help keep the other slaves in line.

But you know that, don't you, dear reader.


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...the wealth that is created by their labors.

It's my contention that the only ones truly creating wealth are farmers. Produce is created from nothing. All other manufacturing starts with raw resources, so it is modifying wealth.

It is also my contention that technology will place the means of production in the consumes' hands through 3D Printing technology. Couple that with the existing Open Source movement and you have a natural form of socialism.

Of course the Powers That Shouldn't Be will fight hard against this unstopable wave. Yet like the car inevitably replacing the horse, tech cannot be put back in the box.

What do farmers start with?
Gardening is a lot of work.

I agree that technology is our salvation, there should be hydroponic vertical farms everywhere.

And yes, the control freaks will freakout at the level of freedom.

Bring on the robots and replicators, down with the crapitalusts!