Crash Fever Unit ID Index 8208, 8210, 8212, 8214, 8216steemCreated with Sketch.

in crashfever •  5 years ago 


Thundering Divinity Fahai


Rarity:6 Stars/Cost 48



Type:Offense Type

Max HP:6557

Max ATK:5690

Max REC:2706
Skill : Fated Light Staff

Blue, Junk to CP + Reduce 1 enemy current HP 20% + Reduce right side unit Skill Turn by 1 + Party massive ATK, DEF boost 2 turns.

Crash Skill : Buddha's Admonition

Massive damage to 1 enemy + Ultra effective on Dragon units.

Ability 1 : Junk Break

Can destroy Junk Panels when in front.

Ability 2 : Massive Easy CP Spawn

When in front, panels needed for CP spawn is reduced by 4.

Ability 3 : Barrier : 10,000

10,000 barrier for self when quest begins.

Ability 4 : Yellow Bomb Drop

Low chance Yellow Bombs drop when in front.



Evil Hunt Princess Wufu Qiansui


Rarity:6 Stars/Cost 60



Type:Recovery Type

Max HP:8064

Max ATK:3111

Max REC:5429
Skill : Justice on behalf of Heaven

Junk to SCP + Absorb panels for HP ultra recover + Cure Virus, Darkness + Chance Yellow drop as own CP, Green as Blue Bombs 2 turns.

Crash Skill : Villainy Crackdown Strike

Massive damage to 1 enemy based on own REC + Massive damage to 1 enemy based on own max HP + Blue unit 200 REC boost 1 turn.

Ability 1 : Vaccine + Junk Break

Immune to Virus + When in front, can break Junk Panels.

Ability 2 : Final Floor -6 Skill Turns

Skill Turns are reduced by 6 when starting the final floor.

Ability 3 : Panel Breaker (40) Tap Boost

When in front, break at least 40 panels in 1 turn for 1 extra tap.

Ability 4 : Deity SCP Drop 1

When Deity unit is in front, 1 SCP drops.



Virtue and Vice Qiong Qi


Rarity:6 Stars/Cost 53



Type:Technical Type

Max HP:6143

Max ATK:4475

Max REC:3440
Skill : Wish of Villainy

Center to 1 Red Bomb(XL) + Ally Red units get low Virus, ATK, REC ultra boost, high blast boost 1 turn + Ally Red unit Skill Turns reduced by 1.

Crash Skill : Eliminate Goodness

Massive damage to 1 enemy + Immense Virus to all enemies 1 turn.

Ability 1 : Damage Panel Break

When in front, can destroy Damage Panels without taking damage.

Ability 2 : Red Panel Drop

When in front, chance Blue Panels drop as Red.

Ability 3 : All Unit Skill Easy CP Spawn

When any unit activates a skill, all units gain easy CP spawn.

Ability 4 : Red Skill Turns

When each floor begins, Red unit Skill Turns reduced by 1.



Calm Philanthropist Qingshui


Rarity:6 Stars/Cost 65



Type:Offense Type

Max HP:7392

Max ATK:6393

Max REC:1875
Skill : Divine Heart Art

Non-special, non-Red to Red Bombs(L) + Red unit ultra ATK boost, Red Panel ultra drop rate, enhance + Up to 5 Red drop as SCP(L) 2 turns.

Crash Skill : Array of Vajra's Innocence

Immense damage to 1 unit + 15 DEF to self until deactivated.

Ability 1 : Damage Break & Protect Break

When in front, can break Damage Panels without taking damage + Can break protected panels.

Ability 2 : Panel Breaker 2 Tap Boost

When in front, destroy 50 or more panels in 1 turn, unit gains 2 taps.

Ability 3 : Panel Breaker ATK, DEF Boost

Destroy 80 or more panels in 1 turn, unit gains 1500 ATK, DEF.

Ability 4 : 120 Panel Breaker Attack

Destroy 120 or more panels in 1 turn, unit join normal attacks when not in front.



Hollow Malice Hun Dun


Rarity:6 Stars/Cost 53



Type:Technical Type

Max HP:7041

Max ATK:4128

Max REC:2984
Skill : Abyssal Curse

1 panel to SCP(L) + Green unit 800 ATK, REC boost, low chance up to 55 own CP drop 4 turns.

Crash Skill : Dance of Virtual Dolls

Ultra damage to 1 enemy + 10 ATK, REC to Green units until deactivated.

Ability 1 : Damage Panel Break

When in front, can destroy Damage Panels without taking damage.

Ability 2 : Skill Activation SCP 1 Drop

When the front unit activates a skill, 1 Green Panel drops as a front unit SCP.

Ability 3 : CP Break (15) Green Tap Boost

Destroy at least 15 Crash Panels in 1 turn for 1 extra tap for Green units.

Ability 4 : Skill Activation Junk Breaker

When any unit activates a skill, the front unit gains Junk Breaker.


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