#crazythoughtsthursday: Explaining Hardfork Using A Building.

in crazythoughtsthursday •  3 years ago 

The use of illustrations people can relate with most times help in explaining facts with less efforts and equally leaving such one with a quick recap if need be.

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In my #crazythoughtsthursday post for the week, I thought of the possibility of using illustrations that people can simply relate to in explaining blockchain technology terms to them.

I did it by explaining that a Hardfork of a blockchain can be illustrated as using the blueprints/architectural drawings of an existing building and replicating such building elsewhere with some improvements to possibly the size of the rooms and and other amenities.

Thus, the two blockchains have similar external features with some different internal characteristics. This was what I used in explaining the difference between Steemit and Hive Blockchains to my better half who wants to start using her account created since 2018 recently.

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