Creating Thought Forms of Peace is a profound process of self-transformation. Unlike physical forms, thoughts are floating in the air, radiating the creator's vibrations. When no contact is made, the thought-form slowly diminishes in energy, until eventually it is absorbed into the mental body. Through the process of thought-form creation, one can learn to recognize their creator. Developing a practice of creating peaceful thought-forms is a wonderful way to achieve inner peace.
When we focus our thoughts on a particular topic, our body responds accordingly. The mind reacts to this information differently. It responds to positive or negative information. For example, a book about love will trigger a positive emotion, whereas a book about war will trigger a negative reaction. It is important to understand that thought forms are formed from our thoughts and that we can change them by consciously choosing the thoughts we want to send.
Creating Thought Forms of Peace requires us to practice visualization regularly. By visualizing the outcome we want in the future, we create a thought form with the intent to achieve it. This thought form becomes an energy construct that we can use to manifest our desires. By practicing thought forms, we create a new perception of reality. If you want to create a thought form that is powerful, you need to spend a few minutes before starting your day.
If everyone in the world is willing to follow this simple guide, you can create a new world order with peace and love. Thought forms are the manifestations of energy, and when they are positive, they create a psychic radiator field. Creating thought forms of peace creates a higher level of reality. When thought forms are negative, they are a reflection of our own energy. When this field is negative, they can cause suffering.
The mind is composed of thought forms. Each thought generates thousands of negative thoughts, each of which creates a thought form. This negativity is especially damaging if we spend our time in large groups of people. These groups are full of hatred, aggression, and negative emotions. They are controlled by negative beings. Therefore, it is important to work on your thought forms to ensure your peace of mind. So, how do you protect yourself against thought forms?
The process of thought-form creation involves the exhalation of an expulsive breath. When we exhale, we ensoul thought-forms with our vitality. When we breathe, we command these thought-forms with our will. This exhalation of thought-forms draws all the astral energy to us, and our own astral body becomes our focal point. We then lose the sense of separateness and become one with our astral self.
Once we have established our thoughts, we can then begin to focus our attention on what they represent. Fig. 35 is an example of a clear thought form that shows two forms of emotion at the same time. This image represents a long-separated friend, and it shows both the intellectual effort and devotional feeling that are associated with that encounter. The blue and yellow colours still remain as signs of intellectual pleasure.