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Another excellent perspective on the subject from a slightly different angle:


~ Richard Rudd, from Gene Keys

we have the energy to creative... Why can't we be so creative?
The talk of creativity is usually accompanied by great achievements, artistic, scientific, mathematical or cultural. This idea is rooted in a large class of society, the idea that creativity is a superpower that only some people have, not something that acquires or grows by working.this is the biggest fallacy that we continue to make it in our mind and the greatest obstacles to our movements. When we believe that creativity is a unique power for an "unnatural" person, so we have built a towering wall between our abilities and creativity.I think --my personal opinion--in order to begin, we must not make the creativity a difficult thing and change our misconceptions about it.
we must use creativity through our activity and our words in daily lives


One key distinction to provide clarity on the answers to your questions might be that there are numerous forms which creativity may be expressed - though no matter which, the effective expression requires skill development.

Pretty much everyone might possess the potential to create - however, that potential needs to be activated - which often comes only through the commitment to and execution of practice & cultivation of skill sets.

Whether music, writing, painting, business, standup comedy, dance, interpersonal counseling, diplomatic negotiations, etc - any activity, even if a person possesses a certain amount of natural talent or inclinations, requires time to be invested in growing the neural architecture to master the activity.

This piece doesn’t always come quickly or easily. And thus, likely why many fail to step up their responsibility and resort to destructive creation by default...

I totally agree with you @rok-sivante. I mean, if you could be anything, why not choose to be any way best befitting? This isn't something i just got to understand, i have made a decision a long time. I would always, as much as i can, channel my energy to positive things. Because we always have a choice, but if only we decide to choose right...Some people get so destructive and violent that it beats my imagination how it could even be possible. I mean, it is high time we got to realise we were all born with potentials for creativity for positive and moral impacts. We have to pay attention to ourselves and recognise that inclination or talent, and then invest in it's actualization. Other than being a trouble maker, please channel that beautiful energy to something rewarding. It is always best to choose right...if not for now, for the future.
And thank you. This post is EVERYTHING!

yes, @rok-sivante it is not easy but It is not difficult also. It just needs to get used to creativity.... and knowledge of the energy inherent in us.

I totally agree dude. 110%!

A few months back, i had an epiphany regarding this and my state of mind or process of thought.

I believe that we are all creators with the thoughts we send to the universe, but what I realised in my self was that I would always think/say the same negative reaffirmation.

I realised regarding my financial situation I would always say i'll be ok soon, I just have to get over this bad period and work hard. What I am doing is telling the Universe my wealth will come soon and i am working hard. By saying this i create a reality where i am always working hard and good fortune will always be around the corner. So with this thought process I am forever staying behind the golden line and not living in it.

I am my worst enemy when it comes to this. I have noticed it now, so it's something I can work on, being a student I must affirm a very specific request to make things better.

I am working on it, but I noticed it now. The personal mind is full of traps :)

Thanks for your post dude :)

your welcome. and thanks for your input - some great reflections in there that are surely just as true for everyone (including myself, as reading them)... :-)

I enjoy your post man. I'm just happy to see another free thinker in the world that doesn't think they're above the rest.

Rok-on man! :p

The process of creation is absolutely beautiful.
Creators have been around for a while, and fortunately, always will be.
I personally, love to create because nothing in the world, and I mean nothing, is better than putting your hard-earned money, work, and time into something nice, and being able to say “I made that” and take the credit for it.
Creations are a result of mixing ideas and action, but a good creation takes a very well-rounded idea and a good action plan.
Anybody can create something, but not everybody can create something significant.
Creation is a form of art. It expresses and applies human skill and imagination, typically in a visual form.
the way we experience life better, by creating tools that make daily tasks easier, more effective, less burdensome, or more automatic. Once, long ago, these things had a very real and tangible effect on survival. Another reason involves evolutionary games that involve increasing reproductive desireability.
In birds one can find many hints about the latter. The bower bird may be the most conspicuous in terms of birds that make things. A male bower bird can spend many hours creating a special site to attract a mate. Evidently, female bower birds are very interested in the architectural, construction, and decorating abilities of male birds. Perhaps they use these abilities as a proxy for a prospective mate’s devotion and abilities in supporting a family. I suspect that something like this happens in certain human populations.
It is certainly true that toolmaking activities have imparted to certain human populations huge evolutionary advantages. Rifles and railroads, supported by a long list of supporting technologies such as writing, law, animal husbandry, and so on, made it possible for the English to overwhelm native populations throughout most of North America in the eighteenth and ninteenth centuries. So the making of tools really made a huge difference. (Read Jared Diamond’ Guns Germs Steel.) But even the most primitive of human tribes have tools that they have created for things like hunting, fishing, transport, and agriculture.
From an evolutionary point of view, humans make things because animals copy behavior from their ancestors. And many of our successful ancestors owed some measure of their evolutionary success to tools and, therefore, to toolmakers. Many more owed some measure of success to their skill as artisans of one sort or another, wielding tools more artfully to create things that evoke greater aesthetic pleasures. People who possessed and wielded tools well and gained some incremental success over those who did not.
We see the same thing at work today where people become famous, popular, and sexually attractive for their exceptional abilities at sports or music. Sometimes, for exceptional abilities in literature, visual arts, architecture, science, business, or law.
Why do people create things?
Because people like art, and art is beautiful.

Agreed, we are creators, and we're asleep at the wheel, it's up to us to stop playing the victim and giving our power away. I think in the next few years we will see some amazing things happening in the world.

I kind of discussed potentially creating using imagination in this post, feel free to check it out or don't ;)

Nice write up, simple and powerful

I, passionately, agree dear @rok-sivante & can think of no more creative or noble work than the Art of Living. Below, are mighty words I try to live by:

"Go back inside yourself and look: if you do not yet see yourself as beautiful [i.e., as participating in the Idea of Beauty], then do as the sculptor does with a statue he wants to make beautiful; he chisels away one part, and levels off another, makes one spot smooth and another clear, until he shows forth a beautiful face on the statue. Like him, remove what is superfluous, straighten what is crooked, clean up what is dark and make it bright, and never stop sculpting your own statue, until the godlike splendor of virtue shines forth to you…. If you have become this, and seen it, and become pure and alone with yourself, with nothing now preventing you from becoming one in this way, and have nothing extraneous mixed with your self… if you see that this is what you have become, then you have become a vision."

—Plotinus, Mystic & Philosopher
On sculpting the self, Enneads I 6, 9

(Art by Bobbie Carlyle Sculpture :

Awesome quote! 💓

Glad it spoke to you, Rok—your eloquent post summoned it to mind.

Also, if you’re not familiar with his work, you might find echoes to your thoughts, here, in Bergson's élan vital (force of creative expression to shape emergent reality). ♥️

Every individual has the ability to decide what shape or form his or her life is going to take. Either good or bad, either to work or not to, either to cause trouble or be an advocate for peace. In short, we are the architects of our lives. We design our life.

Thanks for sharing and best wishes @rok-sivante



Self-responsibility, the evidence of mastery in action.


This masterpiece is coming at the right time, the following stood out for me

We create peace - or we create disorder.
We allocate our energies constructively - or destructively.
There is no more pointing fingers at and blaming “elites,” politicians, corporations, religions, and all varieties of cultural programs. (Not without deluding ourselves and those we may attempt to thrust our beliefs upon)
The world is our canvas. If it’s contents are not to our liking, it’s upon no one but us to paint a new picture.

Let us increase the critical mass of those who wants to paint a new picture. #Lightworker.


Agree @rok-sivante sir , either bring the change or change yourself. The creator always try to influence other with their thoughtfull and positive approach...they are the thinkers on the other hand theose who gets along with thinker approach are ones who sits idle waiting for things to happen...they are the adaptors as per the situation.

Very off topic, but I remember seeing you getting involved in bloom token ICO at one point in time... if you hadn’t heard the news they are partnering with ZRX exchange 👀

Oh yeah, 0x. Nice.

wow..great post i like your post to really good post @rok-sivante

hello sir @rok-sivante how are you?

you're creative, are you psychology or philosophy?


*I am all and none of it... ;-)

I am still trying to sort out the alpha-omega gap... I suppose one needs to recreate oneself from a different plane/dimension. I can't think of any other way.

Good and amazing post

We are the creators of the future.

That's a wise word.

Brilliant, i like't your writen post

This is very very interesting and educative for me and others. U are amazing about this creativity. Thanks a lot u are a leader .@rok-sivante and i pray for u to visit my post one day

Highly rEsteemed!


very nice philosophy (:

nice post @rok-sivante. more motivation in life

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I could remember you wrote something similar some months ago. i was a newbie, and your posts included some of the things i found useful to me on here.

If i still remember correctly, a line went thus:

We're all creators, together, all of us in motion!

Been a while, sir.

This post interesting to read, thanks to gived me information and inspiration.

Live is easy going... enjoy it

I think, everyone who works means he has made a story in his life. during the course of his spinning every work will be a public discussion. I think the artisans of drawers and others as they have made history in their lives. their work is the story of their life's journey. and they are and continue to be discussed in their respective histories. I rate this as a story for history. art history. thanks ..master @rok-sivante

Good share..