Myths of a forgotten time

in creationstory •  7 years ago 


Lake Atitlan, is a place of magical wonder in south central Guatemala. Ringed by volcanoes, villages, and surrounded by myths of a wide variety. Ones that are said to go back to before time began.

One of the most popular stories throughout time is the unending variety of creation stories. So many cultures and belief systems have their own. Lake Atitlan, has one of their own as well. Claims that the volcanoes that ring the edge of the lake are remnants of the original volcanoe that spewed forth the earth from the central belly which is now a lake bed. Giving birth to the planet. How will we know for sure?

Depending on your Spanish, you can watch the documentary

which focuses on the more central myth which has been proven inside and out through a number of methods depicted in "Mayan Blue" which speaks of the islands located within the central portion of the island, prior to the water level rising some 20-30 feet roughly (my memory may be a little fuzzy) 1600 years ago. The water continues to rise, moreso over the last five years.

I have climbed to the top of several of the volcanoes. One of which is said to have been a signal device to neighboring areas, where they have a natural stelle formation representing a condor talon which has grown out of the top of the mountain. IMG_20150127_120017.jpg

Not easily depicted, but it does exist. Just like the ruins of the old temples discussed in the documentary.

On top of the proven ones, there are also some more elusive mysteries. One is the giant serpent. The dragon in the lake is said to have rescued several children who've been caught swimming too far from shore and pushed into danger. Depending on who you talk to, on which side of the lake, you can hear many stories. Many people haven't got any idea. But, when you spend enough time here, you hear all sorts of things. One boy fell from his canoe and was carried to shore. Similar to a loch Ness monster, but of the Mayan world.

Another fun story is one from many years ago, when the world famous diver Jacques Cousteau (Sp?) came to visit the lake and tried to dispelling the myths. Many years ago, before the modern day dive equipment was invented. (Keeping in mind it was Jacque who wrote many of the modern day texts on professional diving.)


As the story goes, Jacques attempted to dive to the inner most depths of the lake and encountered an invisible yet impenetrable force field which prevented him from entering its underbelly. The real lair of the dragon? The home of the planet? The central nexus of the creator? Who knows? Maybe it's all just here say, but it is a fun way to pass the day in this version of paradise.

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