∞Shy Guy at the Balcony ∞

in creativecoin •  5 years ago 


past and future are intertwined
a sign of a circle of twoness combined

A story many times repeated
the magic of innocence defeated

every time a graceful passion discovered
A great love slowly extinguished

the story goes.....

in misty air of sweat dreams of insanity
illusions and fears turned into reality

in the intoxicating air between past and present slowly
the flower girl kisses and dances carelessly

like there is no fool like her ever
like there would be no condemnation later

the girl sings "what ails you shy guy at the balcony?
come dance with me and make time disappear suddenly!

giggles and laughter, white and bright.........
lilies happy in moonlight and sunlight...........

"come look at the wild flowers of my dress
i see you through a circle i made with my fingers"

leave the sorrows for tomorrow
i have questions for you not to know

a moment of hesitation, and everything collapses........
a moment of distraction, and everything crashes .........

she asked him of what is here and what is there to see
she asked him, but he did not answer her

was she guilty ?..........all the chances gone
was he guilty ?...........all the time was lost

twice lived, twice sorrowed, again she repeats
twice tricked by the shadow in light, again she sees

two mirrors among her, one is chosen
she chooses insanity, she forgot he had spoken

hollow hearts in the now, dancing in a circle
splashed with lilies through infinity

a symbol, a dream, a passion that meets sweat sorrow
repeated twice now and many times tomorrow

was this the end? ∞

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