Flower Meadow News May 21th / Blumenwiese Neuigkeiten 21.Mai (Free Cultural Works by @schamangerbert)

in creativecommons •  7 years ago 

English - German

In today's article, I just want to highlight the beauty of small things. We will see animals and details created by nature with such extraordinary elegance and elusive to the fast watcher. As always, all images are provided with free licensing, so you can use them in your posts if you mention my name. I'm glad about a link in the comments!

Im heutigen Artikel will ich einfach mal die Schönheit der kleinen Dinge hervorheben. Wir werden Tiere und Details sehen die von der Natur mit so außergewöhnlicher Eleganz hervorgebracht werden und sich dem schnellen Beobachter entziehen. Wie immer sind alle Bilder mit freier Lizenzierung versehen, du darfst sie also in deinen Posts verwenden wenn du meinen Namen dabei erwähnst. Über einen Link in den Kommentaren freue ich mich!

Rose - Rosa


Schwertlilien - Iris






Hummel auf einer Keeblüte - Trifolium pratense



Hummel auf Acker-Witwenblume (Knautia arvensis)


Greiskraut - Senecio



Bartnelke - Dianthus barbatus


Libelle - Odonata


All photos are "Free Cultural Works" by @schamangerbert.
You are free to: Share, Adapt with Attribution and ShareAlike.


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Original content by

        Schaman Gerbert        IMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG

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These pictures of colourful flowers are wonderful and breathtaking to watch. And if you observe closely, then we can see changes in every moment, and this change reflects that, the creator of nature is an great painter and every moment creator is using different colors and these colors can really effect us in an amazing way and this beautiful view can heal us for sure. We have to visit these type of great places to view such flowers because these places can prove effective to gain the positive energy and essence in life. Thanks @schamangerbert for sharing this post with us and wishing you a great day. Stay blessed.

Thanks for the declaration about the using of this photos from your free cultural works, you have taken such a fantastic photo, incredible beauty.

Wow what a beautiful flowers.i love your photography very much especially macrophotography of Schwertlilien - Iris.your photography added more beauty to flowers.
Can i make a post about your garden flowers? I will select my favourite ones and i will make a post and i will include your name as you are the source for my post. I want your permission @schamangerbert
Thank you☺

I made plenty of free cultural work posts, so you are free to use them, just add the last sentence with the license. Adapt means you are also free to change them in any way in size and color. Just click on the CC-BY-SA-4.0 link and see what you can do. I am looking forward to your post!

@schamangerbert i made post. Correct me if i made any mistakes in it.here is the link

Welch schöne Idee, das Kleine zu würdigen. Was heißt eigentlich "klein", denn die Pflanzen und Tiere auf deinen Fotos sind von wirklicher Schönheit (also im Vergleich zum Gras, für das wir ja sogar eine eigene Challenge ausrufen mussten hihi)

Es ist so, wer in achtsamer Ruhe durch die Natur geht, findet wirkliche Schönheiten und überraschende "Effekte". Danke dir.

Es ist mir eine Freude diese Dinge zu teilen!

The orange and yellow rose is stunning and very beautiful!! She must have very sweet scent and sharp thorns to protect herself too! Your close up photos of small flowers are very clear. You also capture bees and other insects! Nature is so generous with us!

It would be so good to have tea and breakfast in this garden among all these flowers!

wonderful flower !!! thank you for sharing :) followed

ayay! i super love the photos of the flowers captain @schamangerbert 😍
And i am amazed, how are you able to take pictures of the animals without them moving love the color of the dragonfly , and my favorite flower photo is the rose ,
so sorry ,miss the flight ,wasbusy the whole day with myfam they arrived today ❤️❤️❤️

Mine too, and therefore it is on first :)
The flight was cancelled, nobody there:)

Beautiful and colorful flowers, the varieties of the flowers looks unique and beautiful

as always beautiful flowers

Hi dear captain again, Such a impressive to see flowers macros of your near by garden. It's seriously impressive to watch it. Nice you decided to sharing community @schamangerbert.

Nature is so extraordinary.

Rosa is beautiful as always captain... But I like the orange blend of Iris with its pure white petals... Have a great day captain... 😘😘😘

Excelentes fotos mi amigo @schamangerbert SALUDOS

Wow abundant variety of flowers and roses, incredible colors ... Thanks for sharing.

flower is the most beautiful creation of god,your first one photo looks like candle light color and others flower nectar just mind-blowing....wish you a happy flower post..

Strebergarten oder hinterm Haus?
Sieht schön bunt aus :)

Ums Haus herum :)

Waao! Qué Bellas Flores!
@schamangerbert I have loved your photos, what beautiful varieties. I love nature and other flowers ... Thank you for sharing! 🤗🤗

La qualita delle immagini e incredibile

My favorite photo without doubt the first, the rose. The red that happens to orange and then yellow, is simply spectacular. In the same way all the photos are very nice, friend. ;)

Mein Interesse für Blumen wir immer mehr geweckt.
Wieder hast Du einen schönen Beitrag verfasst, den ich auch an meiner Wand teile.

wow...wow..... really @schamangerbert your gardening , photogarphy, is so.....mindblowing.
your photography looks like extarordinary art.
i love flower, i love your photography

Honestly I admire your creativity and I would love to see more from you. It can't be denied anymore that your post really gives inspiration.

Hermosa flor amigo, Admirando las belleza de la nazuraleza se le apoya! saludos Men.

Great sir this is amazing blog post i am a huge fan for you sir.

Some really interesting flowers there the rose was the most beautiful one :)

very beautiful flower

This is so cool blog post sir,continue this good work sir.

hermosas flores en diferentes colores amigo !Qué bellas flores! Me encantan mucho tus fotografías, especialmente la macrofotografía de Schwertlilien - Iris. @schamangerbert.

lovely photography

wow lovely photograpy......i am amazed

So you should consider a vote also.

This post has received a 5.35 % upvote from @boomerang.

that's pretty cool to know.....