How a Creative Idea Brings Great Capital ?

in creativeideas •  8 years ago 

What can be done with a little capital and creative idea:


A. Create a nursery for rare plants

You can in small schools with a smart layout of 30 m2 to plant 10 000 plants. Rarely plants and seeds are sold from 5 to 20 euros per plant. You can earn annually from $ 50 000 to $ 200 000
You can sell your breed through other stores or websites that sell nurseries. You can also create a website or blog where you publish interesting topics for your plants. Readers love interesting topics ...

B. Organize a prize of $ 1,000,000

If you are a good connoisseur of a topic such as sales, gardening, web communication, etc. Organize a web course at a price of $ 1. Each participant who passes the course has a chance to complete the course after the completion of the course to earn $ 1,000,000. Of course, the course time for the course should be long enough to apply for more than 1 000 000 people. You can also reduce the amount or give other awards. It is important that we know that the only possible way is because more is that we have more clients, to sell more to the same customers and a combination of these two ways.

Attract people with your creative offer, your idea and quality of service. Offer them something they can not refuse. Think and write ideas, at one point the docks will be tailor made for you, and the miracles that you have dreamed ...

C. Design an energy bed for puddles

It is known that dogs like to lie in places where there are positive energies, while cats lie in places where energy is negative. Make a dog or dog bed that radiates positive energy, or install an electromagnetic radiation guard in it, because this place will be suitable for sleeping and crawling ...
Asset and earnings are achieved by the development of ideas, be creative because, as Henri Ford said, "Reasoning is the hardest job in the world" ...

D. Restaurant "Animal kingdom"

Drange parrots to welcome guests with a greeting "Good afternoon," let them go with the words "I want you well, come back again." Go one step further, scrape the puddle to bring the readers of the reading newspaper while waiting for a friend to join them at lunch or dinner. Of course, in a restaurant where animals play an important role do not serve meat, let it be vegetarian.

From Heart
Dr. Great Success


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