About dream job (30 days challenge)


I decided to take part to this challenge (started by @bkdbkd and @verhp11) to stretch the writing muscle and overcome the blank page fear. I want to get the habit to write everyday and also have some fun in doing it.

So lets start with day 2
What did you want to be when you were a child? Have you become it? What would you be if you could choose another career?

I remember perfectly, when at the age of 4, I heard for the first time the crazy ACDC’s “Highway to hell” and I told to my parents that I was going to play “la chitarra rockante”, which translated in English means “make rock with an electric guitar” and in my mind was something like headbanging and stage daving on thousands of unicorns.

I guess mom didn’t take it quite well, since she made me join a clarinet class, instead, with the band of the village from where I come from, known to perform just during funerals (don’t ask me why ahah).

So after 5 long years with this very delicate, bucolic instrument, I finally dropped it and started to realize that I was never going to be a rock star. (maybe next time mum).

If I could choose another career now I’d like to be Beyoncé. It’s a career, right? :D

If you like to join the 30-days contest, please follow these rules
Use the hashtag #creativepostchallenge, so @bkdbkd can find your blog!
Share the link & the rules of this post and challenge in the end of your post so other users can find it too.
Have fun!

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