200107 –Week 1 Flash Fiction ✍

in creativewriting •  5 years ago  (edited)

[Picture's source: http://elenihale.com/flash-fiction-the-last-one/ ]

During our first session of this course, we were asked to write a story in A SENTENCE in 10 minutes. At that time, I was wondering whether it is possible to tell a story within only a sentence. So, here's what I came out with:
"A morning can start off like any other, but by nightfall, things have occurred that could change his life forever. "

After sharing our one sentence stories, our lecturer introduced us to "flash fiction" and told us what we had just written were examples of flash fiction.

In general, flash fiction is a fictional work of extreme brevity that still offers character and plot development and is defined by word count.

She also gave us a few famous examples of flash fiction. One of them was a flash fiction written by E. Hemingway, "For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn,"

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