Short Story: "Dozing off"

in creativewriting •  5 years ago  (edited)

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Hernandez knew that he was about to fall asleep once again during Miss Elisabeth’s English class. He shook his head furiously, trying to keep himself awake. Pinching himself hard on the arms, Hernandez glared at the whiteboard in front of him, “No, I… must… stay awake”. In front of the class, Miss Elisabeth was explaining something about the colours of a rainbow. But even the high-pitched voice of Miss Elisabeth sounded like a lullaby to him. “Ah, she’s so boring”, muttered Hernandez under his breath as his vision turned blurry and soon his eyes slowly flickered into darkness.

Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

“HERNANDEZ!” The sudden piercing scream of his name brought Hernandez back from his deep slumber. “Geez Miss, no need to scream. I’m awake now, okay?” said Hernandez groggily while stifling a yawn. Seconds passed but there was no reply from Miss Elisabeth. Eyes still closing, Hernandez mumbled drowsily to himself, “Hmm, why is she quiet all of sudden?” Rubbing his eyes, he glanced back and forth around him. He was still in his class, 2 Waja but oddly no one could be seen within his sight, neither his classmates nor Miss Elisabeth. “Huh? Earl? Geoffrey? Guys, where are you?!” shouted Hernandez frantically. The classroom was as black as pitch with thick darkness. Panicking, he stood up immediately from his desk and looked outside the window. Witnessing the sight before him, a ball of terror formed in his stomach. As if Hernandez was trapped in another dimension, ominous black clouds covered the crimson and amber-tinted sky. His heart thudded louder and louder. Not a single person was in the school. Realising he was now all alone, he sobbed unceasingly while clutching at his white school uniform.


It was all eerily quiet around Hernandez when suddenly a loud thud could be heard within his earshot. Glued to the spot, Hernandez waited and listened. Silence. But then he heard it again. Thud! Thud! Fear clogged his throat, he immediately ran and crouched under the teacher desk. Out of the blue, flashes of lighting and thunders raged with fury. “Buaaaa! I wanna go home! Mom! Dad!” sobbed Hernandez uncontrollably with his snot running all over his face. His cries turned louder as the wind howled into the spine-chilling classroom. All of sudden, he heard the sound of the door rattled open by someone. Tap. Tap. Tap. Steady footsteps walked into the classroom, then stopped right behind the teacher desk where Hernandez was hiding. “Hehehe… come out, come out wherever you are. I know you’re hiding,” crooned a lady with a voice sounded like iron nails dragged over a rock. Overwhelmed with fear, Hernandez covered his mouth with both of his clammy palms to stifle his scream. Tap. Tap. Tap. Clenching his eyes, he listened as the footsteps were getting closer and closer to him. Silence. But then, without warning, a pair of skinny and sickly hands suddenly grabbed Hernandez by the arms. “Her-nan-dez, BOO!” Hernandez screamed. He screamed on top of his lungs as he gaped at the ghostly lady. Before his young eyes, there was a dead-looking lady with long black tangles of hair falling over her face, smiling creepily as she loomed over his small body. “Argh! No, get away from me! Please no!” cried Hernandez pitifully as he shook his body away from the lady. “I’m sorry! Please, I just want to go back home! I promise I’ll be good from now on! Buaaaaaa!” Laughing hysterically with her teeth gleaming in the flickering flashes of lightning, the lady inched closer and closer…

“Hernandez! Wake up! Hernandez!” Someone was shouting his name. It was Miss Elisabeth. “No! Get away from me! Get away!” shouted Hernandez erratically in his sleep. “HERNANDEZ!” As Miss Elisabeth screamed his name, Hernandez abruptly woke up from his nightmare, nearly tumbled down from his chair. His eyes were wide as he looked hurriedly around him. He was back again in 2 Waja, but everyone was there with him. “M-M-Miss Elisabeth! Buaaa, you’re here! Miss, I’m so sorry! I promise that I won’t fall asleep again!” sniffled Hernandez loudly as big droplet of tears raced down his cheeks. Upon hearing Hernandez, Miss Elisabeth was confused. She did not know what was going on, but she just smiled and gently said, “I don’t know what happened to you in your dream but it’s alright, Hernandez. Everything is safe and sound now.”


Moral of the story: Never sleep in class or you might wake up in another world.
Idea behind of this story: During my School Based Experience (SBE) week, there was a boy sleeping soundly at the back while I was trying hard to teach in front of the class. Well, he didn't wake up crying from a nightmare. But I wish he did so he would focus during my class. Just kidding.

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