Always Creating Memories.

in creativity •  7 years ago 


I've been away from Steem for a long time (too long) and it has been pretty uncomfortable but totally worth it. There's a beauty in life visible when you're open to see what truly matters to you personally, and to the world at large.

Too many times, there's the temptation to focus on stuff that don't really matter; temporary stuff that would be blown away in no time. We worry over this and that, giving up ourselves in the process, and being at the mercy of situations and circumstances.

Many times we are presented with opportunities of a lifetime but overthink everything and end up letting those opportunities pass us by. This shouldn't be the case.

Over time, I have come to understand that it's always better to live and create memories than being left to always wonder "what if".

It could be as simple as seeing someone down the hall and contemplating whether to go talk to them or not. If you decide to go talk to them, whatever happens, you have just created a memory because now you know exactly what happened when you did. You either got a warm welcome or a stern tell off. This, in my opinion, is way better than wondering for the rest of your life what could have happened.

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Stuff don't have to turn out positively before you can relive the memory. I have decided to not regret any action I take and it has been working out well for my mental health. Why regret something you actually wanted to do at the point you did it? It is what it is.

If you have not been inside a swimming pool in your life, why not dive in and whatever happens becomes a memory you just created. Why not go on that journey, skydive, eat something new and different? Why not try that dance move somewhere else outside your own head?

These days, we can document these memories in places other than our minds. Recently, I found myself taking lots of pictures and recording videos everywhere I go then I began to think about it. Life is a lot more fun when you can create memories and then document them. You can always go back, relive them with no worries or regrets.

Laugh at the silly things you did, learn lessons and put them all together to make the next memory worthwhile.

Like everything in life, nothing is easy.

Standing in front of a camera and recording stuff could be challenging af! Should that stop me from doing it? Hell no! It's a challenge that begs to be overcome just like every other life issue. So basically, there's no excuse to not create memories or document them.

When you create memories, you have stories to tell. We love stories and conversely, storytellers. So if you create memories, we will love you! Note however that you shouldn't do stuff solely because of what you expect to get in return from people. Don't you ever do that!


Life is beautiful when you dare to do extra. Please go out there and do something new.

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Beautifully written Fi'.

What if we didn't attend the Ghana meetup because of fear of the unknown, they won't have been such an amazing memory to behold now, well I feel so liberated after the trip.
I live my life now, no regrets..

Thanks for sharing this Fire Fire😁

And I wouldn't have gotten to know you this well!

...same here😁

Why regret something you actually wanted to do at the point you did it? It is what it is.

Wow! I felt like you are just talking to me. This was really inspirational, thank you soo much for sharing. @fisteganos

Thank you so much for reading 😁

This is such a great perspective to operate on. Either you succeed or you learn. There are no bad memories, only experiences. We often find ourselves trapped in an endless cycle when we start regretting. When we regret something, we end up missing new opportunities, which in turn we'll regret in the future. The only way to prevent that is to just stop and live. I fully agree with your sentiment!

Thanks Jed! It feels so nice to see your comments again after what seems like ages ago! I sent you a message on chat 😁

Sure, I'll check it out.

This is really lovely. I have done a lot of things i thought I would never do... I just stopped saying 'oh i can't do that'... Truth is, i can do it and I just own up to it

Yup! All we need do is try and we'll realise we can actually do these things.

Beautiful said, and timely too

Awesome. It's nice to know that randomly put together words can mean something to people. 😊

Great write-up and then you nailed it with this

Laugh at the silly things you did, learn lessons and put them all together to make the next memory worthwhile.

Most times we only cry over the silly mistakes we make and this robs us of the lessons to pick from them.
It's okay if you cry, but also pick the lessons from the mistakes and move on....
Thank you for this @fisteganos

I'm glad you found something that resonates with you.

There's no use crying over spilled milk.

Nice one @fisteganos life is truly beautiful

The greatest regret is having one life chance of taking that step and the fear of the unknown hinder it. There has been a lot of thing we would have love to do but the fear of failure and what other will say keep stopping us.


Can be a torn in the flesh.

The word is don't live for tomorrow to regret yesterday.

True! True!

Wise thought. I thinkб sometimes you need to be away from everything to look at the world with different eyes and make the right choice

I think so too. We might just need to take that step back from time to time to reassess and reevaluate everything. It could also help keep things in perspective.

am going to create memories and ure going to love me. you @fisteganos thanks for the motivation pls follow back.

Hehe! 😜

Dare the impossible. Go the extra mile. In the land of extra mile, there are no traffic since only few people ever try to. Create an indelible mark on the sands of time. Create a walk to remember. Life is what we call it. Choose happy and explore. Thank you for this insight brother. Much needed. of the week..really giving meaning to life.

Life is full of memories, no matter what happens whether good or bad.. you need to move with your memories. I see you really miss Ghana. I cherished the memories we spent together .

memories are important, it brings joy when its recalled.

Wao man, Best blog i have seen today , simply amazing and yeah you have made memory with me also Today Hehe with writing this awesome blog...

Lol. Thanks 🙏

Wow lovely post very tasty food I really like

This really got me invigorated this Sunday. That was wonderful, thanks alot
Happy Sunday to you

Wow! It's inspiring. I'm new here plz follow and upvote my posts

Oh my! This post struck me like thunder. I cannot remember the last time I did something 'crazy' that can be saved for future memory. Thanks for waking up the sleeping adventurous me.