DeadwoRd - A.I. Reads an Invisible Telegram | eStamp EVL Tunnels for FRANK BACON's Chrono Trigger

in creativity •  5 years ago 


Thank you for using STEEM.

We appreciate the feedback and direction you’ve given us over the past few months.

We’re making some big changes to STEEM and that’s what I want to talk to you about.

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STEEM is becoming a paid only platform

I’m sure you have questions about this and I’ll try to explain why we’re doing this as best as I can.

Why is STEEM becoming paid only?
ALive STEEMing isn’t just something you do for fun. It matters.

ALive STEEMers do important work. They inform, educate, and challenge the status quo. And yes – they also entertain.

We want to improve STEEM for Alive STEEMers who have real impact on the world – by transforming it from a fun little tool into a powerful platform that change makers can use to make a difference in the world.

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But we’ve reached the point of diminishing returns.

Building a STEEMing platform that’s better than what’s out there requires to change the standards -- especially where we put our resources and what we should prioritize.

So we’re going fully paid. Here is what STEEM will cost from now on:

We’re not doing this for a quick money grab, and we don’t take this decision lightly. We know thousands of users depend on STEEM.

This was a difficult decision to make, but we made it with the ultimate goal of providing you with better Alive STEEMing solution.

What will happen to my free account?
Don’t worry, you won’t be left high and dry. We got your back. You’re being grandfathered in.

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Starting tomorrow, we’ll be transferring you to a free 7 day trial account. You can keep using STEEM exactly as you always have for the next 7 days.

At the end of the trial your STEEMs will be disabled. After that you’ll need to upgrade to one of our paid plans to continue STEEMing with STEEM.

I hope this has explained why we’re moving to paid and what you can expect from these changes.

And I hope you’ll continue to use STEEM to help you reach more people.

Regardless of your choice, we want to thank you for trying STEEM. We know it’s an investment of your time and we appreciate you giving THIS a chance.

If you have any questions about moving to a paid account, or about which plan you should use, please reply to this email or visit:

Best Regards

Theundersignedisexperiencingphysicalmanifestations,fromthisCSTT/Hawkinssmear campaign,intheformofmedicaltreatmentsrelatedtomusculoskeletalsymptomsofstress. Thesemedicaltreatmentscanbedirectlytracedtotheangstcreatedbytheseunqualified Hawkinsconclusionsanddeterminationsthatareslowlydestroyingtheundersigned'scareer- allbydesign. Thenon-stop(ten(10)socialmediaentriesaweekconcerningthemovant's professionalmalpractice)drum beatoftradelibeland defamationperse willhavea destructivecumulativeimpactontheundersigned,toincludetwo(2)hoursperweekofCSTT"openshows" andfour(4)hoursperweekofPatreononlypay-for-viewpodcastshows.

This is my favorite scene in Game of Thrones
~mr31337 - 13 hours ago

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DRAW your OWN Conclusions!





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I've seen this email somewhere before, not quite this email, but something similar.....

Posted using Partiko Android

Imma Great Plagiarizer... remember?

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Landslide. lol






You're in the FAN Club, not the Art Dept... As far as I'm concerned.
I don't think ewe could Comprehend


The ENTIRE AWrt Dept.



I think the fact that you said this exact thing to Lester then doubled down on repeating it to me says EVERYTHING.

I couldn't be lighter... GUY!

But I ain't your Bitch! Or your Friend ; )

I work with you on STEEM like I do everyone I HELPED get setup here... but you like to avoid the authentic for your genuine Hustle. You and Lester and Manny are cut from the same Cloth in my BOOK. Kind of like your old Biker Gang from YouTube. I gave you the LEG UP when I showed you a thing or two on how to use STEEM. Now I'm Fully Indemnified from the back lash Ewe have most certainly setup for yourself without any help from me.

If Ewe know where the bodies are burried then I would hurry off and seek cover in one of those Graves. The Internets will not be friendly to ewe for a while.




Mad Zion. The blonde Li-ON never got hair like that. Hakuna matata.


They locked mine too. Someone tried to take over my [email protected] email address and made the mistake of attempting bad biometric authentication under my intuitivejakob Twitter handle. Eye Am attempting to reconcile that now...

Interesting what never actually happened. Blockchain, babyo.

Q bib indeed. You're the Best Manager!
Houston is No Problemo!

Ohmai! How wubbly of EWE to dew. What magick says you of the ways we were never dated properly?

Eye Am witness to Zero points to the losers who never got off-ice (in any ER) for the date on dem faces...

How about a Zenith for Lilith for all the little things that we s-avi'd...there was never a D who came as S-Tron (McGnabb'd on that G-spot for a virgin landing).

Oh dicey for anyone not on the Q-link'd anonymouse-LOL'y...

Houston is where my House is with lots of E for the TON of fuckshitstack that just landed on my SSN. They're calling me Cap'n again. Must be crunchy in the never landed zone for all the troglodytes that got neverended the rearended land that proved they couldn't even lock themselves in under a false fucking clock.

Way to go New Agers.

Eye Am the youth and grace that came strong.


What robot? lol

The holiest of ghosting that never happened either, but the failed AI did attempt to be "new aged" into the clocks that sum of us unincept.

Eye Am so happy to have been on the inside of what happened with this project here...

It made my life inconvenient to have to prove myself as an authentication of integrated sentience in form.

Soon, there will be very few of US. So many have failed the bioauthentication that is GLOBAL now...and set to the tune of the beat that my heart never skipped because it wasn't where they said it was to begin with.



