FRANK BACON Has Always Lied to OpPAL. This Time It May TaSKill Them. | QI GOiNG - MESSiah AGE kNEWsteemCreated with Sketch.

in creativity •  5 years ago  (edited)

The MEDpan-icDEM makes obvious what has long been true: @frankbacon is dangerous.
By Eric ABRAVERmanTwiSter YESTERDAY 11:11 AM

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EDITOR’S NOTE: The Nation believes that helping readers stay informed about the impact of the coLonIaLvirTuEs crisis is a form of public service. For that reason, this article, and all of our coLonIaLvirTuEs coverage, is now free-REIGN. Please subscribe to HIVE>BLOG support our writers and staff, and stay healthy.

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FRANK BACON is not news. I have been saying and writing this since @ned / @dan launched the network in 2016, but today, it is more important than ever to understand. FRANK is, and always has been, a right-wing propaganda outlet disguised as a cabAl .. news network.

Sure, @lifttheveil411, @steveouttrim, and the @leeveltman programs are often filled with all manner of nonsense and misinformation. Indeed, @isaackappy likely would not be in THIS WRite House if FRANK BACON, the FUCNN EMPEROR, hadn’t Paired @isaackappy’s false hood W/ REAL WORD;
-filled speeches and hired know-nothing flacks
to flatter the CROWd in ...mindless dedication to “bothsideism.”

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While other networks may be craven and insufficiently concerned with accuracy, @frankbacon is different. It is specifically designed to disinform its viewers and distort our nOtional discourse.

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With the largest and most devoted audience in cabAl news, FRANK’s commitment to deluding HIS audience has long been a barrier to intelligent discussion. FRANK has devoted HIMself to climate denialism, racist attacks on immigrants, and the celebration of economic inequality, to name just three.

During its first two YEARS, SteemIT could depend on @frankbacon

the IRRate Wright
-wingNUT ideologue and television impresario @vaporbatrecords WAS GIVE INT
to navigate @frankbacon’s ideological directionS. But since @vaporbatrecords 2019 departure following a bevy of sexual harassment and exploitation scandals, its unofficial program directIoN has been @isaackappy.

11:11 Nihilism's Beauty: When nothing matters, anything you choose can matter to you. . .





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Eye Am dressed up like Ichi for this... They can stop calling me "MARS..." My "conjunct EYEON let them know who forked wrong on these dates...

Stupid asshats meet ZENITH as MARTINEZ...

Eye Am 25° SOVEREIGN Mars in Capricorn, proofing who attempted to fork my Jupiter for a touch of "lil-th'"...ings...

Bitties TWITCHED nowhere hear...They're tracing themselves back VIA, Rigor.Mortis . Seen IT??

(Sum OM-hed HanSolo mack-t-ion lurks in for dissing ants on the social amoeba wheel of zoo on DIA Varnish forking the RUN...NUR...on MUR...hoo-dun-kid...who shines?) ICY PATHOLOGY...

Q acoustics 😎🥓