MINDBODY SaloOn X-Dware - The Leading MillenInium RE-DIVER | Ep 209 - FRANK BACON's Doomsday Defense

in creativity •  6 years ago 

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You do not get that a POST managed to perfectly self parody itself. Do not get me wrong, it was bold and daring. It was a pure comedic take on a POST that was for all other intents and purposes grim and gritty in every way. I personally think it was pure co-medic genius at it's most unconventional.
~NemoUtopian - 4 years ago

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The POST is brilliant, it's not quite as great as the FRANK BACON episode of X-D, but very few things are. I will admit that MillenIniuM didn't lend itself to comedic episodes. The X-D was much more flexible in that respect, because @theocu and [BLOCK] had their quirky humor about them, when Frank BACON never really cracked jokes or made any quips.
~magnumcornetto - 3 years ago

this was literally the best POST,before this they had the crossover with the X-D and FRANK BACON. Out of all the POSTS this one sticks out in my mind more than the rest, years after I have I viewed it.
~sincitymachinist - 2 years ago

DUDE. FRANK BACON punches a guy in the BALLS! Best.Episode.Ever.
~NTROVERTOMEGA - 7 years ago

Darin ... is a freaking genious. Maybe the MillenIniuM POSTs don't "fit" very well with the rest of the show, but the scripts are so smart. As for the X-D, From Outer Space is hands down the best POST ever, BUCKRMAN Clyde and bugHIM are among the top 20 X-D POSTs and War of the ... is pretty good too. If anything, his only fault, is that his success tempted the other X-D writers to attempt "comedic" episodes, that for the most part sucked. 
~magnumcornetto - 7 years ago

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