RE: BO Knew, FRANK BACON Is A Strange Man | Coverup Continues, GoOdy Reveals Transcript / FRANK CO-LAB

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BO Knew, FRANK BACON Is A Strange Man | Coverup Continues, GoOdy Reveals Transcript / FRANK CO-LAB

in creativity •  6 years ago 

Quite Frankly I'm the most interesting thing going on right now...
Wouldn't ewe agree?

Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at 8.26.36 PM.png

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  1. Inabizarretwist,DEFANGO didnotfilethedocumentswiththeArizonacourt.Instead DEFANGO(Chavez)callsthePlaintiffscounsel(Mr.Biss,esq.)anddiscussesthesituationona YouTubelivestream.ThediscussionbetweenDEFANFO andMr.Biss,esq.alsoincludeda fellowYouTubechannelnamed"UNIROCK". WhenBissanswersthephone.ManualChavezIII identifieshimselfas"ThisisManualChavez". Bissreplied"HI,Manny".[EXHIBIT TEN] 29. Toamplify,"DEFANGO"conductedaYouTubepodcastinwhichhedisplaysthedraft complaintwrittenforhim bythePlaintiffscounsel,whichappearstobedesignedasaprose complaint.[EXHIBITELEVEN].


1:32:00 - 1:34:50

Deez People ; )


