
in creativity •  5 years ago 

The huge demon was shaking with angry laughter. n-sUXd-Q2DU.jpg

Sonnet lay senseless at his clawed feet.

"Akhra-Ahar-Akhar! Red D. cackled, his horned head thrown back. The powerful chest in the armor plates vibrated with snarling laughter.

The demon spread its powerful legs wide, its muscular arms outstretched, and its heavy tail thumped triumphantly on the ground, churning up the liquid soot.

Sonnet's face was completely black with dirt. She moaned and moved.

Raised his head, and his eyes opened in narrow slits, through which blazed the icy gaze of the pupils.

"Power! she thought. - "Frost power! If you call... if you feel... She's mine! And I-her!"

At the same time, in response to sonnet's mental plea, the dirt three meters away lit up. A thin silver beam shot through the coal lumps and gurgling muck.

The demon's laughter faded.

And the beam turned into a sheaf. He grew a meter above the ground, began to move, and began to lean in different directions.

Finally, he swung to the side of the lying girl and froze. The sheaf widened and became brighter.

Then a piece of staff flew out of the mud. A thin, two-meter-long ice pole with sharp edges raised a cloud of spray. Rushed to the sonnet. Hovering over her.

The girl sat up and grasped the staff with her right hand. Immediately, the pain from the edges pierced. Sonnet groaned again through clenched teeth.

But the energy of the Frosty force filled her. And all the pain was gone.

Sonnet felt all her fatigue and impotence leave her. Gently stabbing energy ran through the skin, coursing through all the nerve fibers. Filled the muscles with power.

The staff pulled her up. Lifted the girl above the ground, above the mud. Easily soared and hovered in front of the red d's muzzle.

The demon's laughter stopped.

Of poloska and Morozov kid, hmm! red D growled.

With a thoughtful "hmm" from the nostrils of a demon escaped black wisps of smoke, and red pupils gathered in a heap, trying to see what flickers in front of the muzzle.

— Get out of here before you do it!" Arr!

The staff flashed a silver light in response to the angry growl. So Red D. closed his eyes and recoiled. I almost stepped on people lying in the mud — Dima and Vasilisa.

Sonnet felt a foothold under her feet. She held on to the glowing staff with both hands. It hung like a bar.

And then the staff gave a powerful discharge. Cold energy swept from the hands to the heels of the sonnet. I concentrated on my feet, and my feet felt cool.

Sonnet looked down and saw that her feet were bound by ice. A solid transparent crust with beautiful patterns and a blue tinge, with a slight rustle spread over the slender shins.

The ice quickly reached his knees, then his waist, and did not stop. Sonnet relaxed her hands, because the solid, shimmering structure held her in the air.

The ice was especially thick under the feet, and the energy came out of it with a soft hum and white rime flashes. It spread out in strong streams of snow, supported the girl in the air, and dissolved.

The ice crust cracked and divided into protective armor and movable joints — thick curved shields on the shins and thighs, sitting tightly on the body. On the knees and waist — ice is thin and mobile. But still very durable.

The living structure crawled up to sonnet's chin and stopped. Ksenia felt safe. The icy, elegant armor gave her strength and confidence.

The thin transparent staff was no longer a lifting force, but a weapon. Sonnet parted the air in front of her, holding it tightly with her left hand.

She looked at red D. from under her brow. The blue pupils flashed with determination. The demon, too, looked at her as if she were an annoying fly. Growled softly.

The demon darted forward. He opened his toothy mouth, intending to grab the strange girl in front of him with his fangs.

But the sonnet is not afraid not a drop. The energy hummed and held her in the air. The half of my grandfather's staff quivered with impatience, asking for battle.

The armor stood out in relief on the girl's chest and stomach, protecting her. The force gave peace of mind. Permeated the entire body. Every cell was a little icy.

Before the eyes of SONET everything sparkled, and was covered with frost and even from the time slowed down its run. As in a slow dream, the girl saw a demon opening its mouth.

Sonnet shifted her staff to her right hand. She crouched in the air, drawing her staff back and down. And when the demon was already very close, when the hot stinking breath enveloped her, and the world around her was closed by a huge gaping mouth with sharp fangs, then she struck.

Abruptly, she threw her hand with the staff diagonally up and to the left. The ice weapon glittered. It split the air with a hum. It crashed into the demon's elongated chin.

Red D.'s head was thrown back by a blow. There was a crack, and broken teeth flew to the side, along with drops of black blood.

The demon roared in pain and leaped back, shaking the ground. Sonnet shifted the staff back to her left hand and held it back and down.

She froze and straightened, waiting for what would happen next. D. red and was overcome with rage. His roar shook the roof of the residence, the Windows, and even the surrounding tall fir trees behind the fence.

The demon lunged forward again.

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