in creator •  last year 

God creates not makes. Who then made man in whose image? Genesis 1:26-27, 2:4, 5:1-2.

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." Genesis 1:27 KJV OK, here we can see that male and female were Created not made in the image of Creator God aka Father of the Beginnings.

In Genesis 5:1-2 Lord God Jehovah is claiming to have MADE the Heavens and the earth yet in Genesis 1 the Creation takes place and no making or Lord God Jehovah is mentioned until Genesis 2:4, "These are the generations of the heavens (mentioned first) and of the earth (followed second indicating the creation took place starting from Heavens and ending at earth) when they were created; (this semicolon ends the creation as done by God, translated from plural masculine Hebrew word Elohim, who is in fact Father of the Beginnings Abarashit) in the day (reference to the light) that the Lord God (first appearance of YHVH tetragrammaton) made the earth and the Heavens," (here the word creation is replaced with made and the sequence is reversed now starting from earth then 》making《 its way up back to Heavens) the journey of light falling to earth and making its journey back to Heavens by way of life awaken in Consciousness.


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