Extreme crisis in Venezuela and girls of 13 pregnant women without resources.

in crevantes •  6 years ago 

While in the country, there are no medicines, the food on passes the minimum wage girls from 13 years onwards become pregnant.


The situation in Venezuela is critical and sad, about how the economy of a country went out of hand for President Nicolas Maduro Moros

The hospitals are not in good condition, there are no doctors, the vast majority have left the country for not supporting the situation, in a clinic they charge up to 60 million bolivars for a delivery or cesarean, many women have opted to give light in your house risking your life and that of your baby.


It is not strange to get to a school and see pregnant girls, there is no contraceptive.

It is a wave as if they had all agreed, this only brings overpopulation for a country that does not have a stable economy, a country that does not assure you a good future.

It has become so normal to go out to eat and that children approach you asking for a bit of food, children between the ages of 5 and up.

It is not pleasant to go out to eat anything, because you will always have children on the side looking at you, to the point where they approach you and tell you to give it to you, they chase you if they see you eating something sweet.

And their mothers where are they?

Many mothers have made the decision to leave the country abandoning their children, for me a mother to leave and leave a 4 year old boy alone, that is abandonment.

I know a woman who went to Colombia at the beginning of the year and left her two children, one of 4 and another of 8. What happens next with those children?

These children end up in the street some are abused, others are robbed of their lives.

These minor mothers, for the most part, are single mothers.

There is no quality milk, there is no formula, there are no medicines, there are no diapers, everything is expensive, a minimum salary is not enough to buy a package of diapers.

The state of malnutrition in which there are millions of Venezuelans is unforgivable, it hurts me to sometimes see people looking in the trash, go through a bakery and see children and adults looking for garbage to become so normal and routine.

We need help, we have lost even the values.

While the government's every day become more millionaires, the people are poorer.


No child deserves this life.

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