Where's the ball?

in cricket •  7 years ago  (edited)

Yesterday we were walking around Tampere and on our way to a market about 2 kilometers from our home. Incredibly nice weather, no hurry and of course I had my camera with me. It's that time of the year again. I can't go anywhere without my camera because if I do, everything that I have ever dreamt to photograph, instantly shows itself and comes to gloat at me. Right under my nose. And then there's me. Without my camera.

So I definitely had my camera with me. We were in Kaleva, Tampere district and for the first time in my life I saw someone play Cricket. I have seen it on TV of course, but not live. "Well this is a fine opportunity for me to practice my sports photography", I thought.

It's a good thing that the sun was shining so I could play more with the shutter speed and aperture. What I learned again was that photographing is hard. Sports photographing is hard. The cameras lens which I had with me, was at its maximum focal length (270 mm) all the time and I was as close as I could. Maybe in the future I need a better long-focus lens for events like this.

I did not get the kind of photos which I could be exceptionally proud of. But I'll post these here anyway because something happened when I was photographing. These photos could be in the same category as the Is there a contest for almost perfect photos?

All you have to do is follow the ball. So where is it?

All photos: CC BY-SA Insaneworks






All photos: CC BY-SA Insaneworks

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He's trying to eat it!


On jätkiltä pallo hukassa ...

Oli kyllä outoa seurata peliä kun ei tajunnut säännöistä mitään. Tai noh, sen verran että tolppia pitää ilmeisesti yrittää kaataa. Ja sen verran kuulin sivukorvalla kun joku selitti jollekulle yhtä tietämättömälle että aikarajaa ei ole. Palomäärä merkkaa. Eli jos joukkueet on molemmat oikein hyviä, niin paloja ei tule ja peli saattaa kestää vaikka kuinka kauan. :D

Onko siinä yhtä loogiset säännöt kuin pesäpallossa? :D

Öh... Mun pesäpallosäännöt ei ole enää ulkomuistissa. Viimeisestä pelikerrasta on niiiiiiiiiin pitkä aika. Vastaan että varmasti ehkä.

Pesäpallon sääntöjä ei taida oikeasti osata kukaan paitsi Tahko Pihkala, joka vein oikean tulkinnan mukanaan hautaan. :D