Hello, guys today we are going to talk about a very famous website who is giving us regular updates, as well as the match score regarding all the matches, held worldwide.
so I thought for a day when we are looking for a score I think nobody is talking about this website who is giving such information to us. well, the owner of Cricbuzz is the time's internet who is the revenue for a year is 7800000 US dollar.
Sounds great as they are earning huge amount of income through just posting the news of that as well as the scorecard for cricket. where there are more than thousand of people working under this company as it is a brand new episode has been created by 3 great people name Pankaj, Piyush as well as Praveen.
However, it has launched on 1st November 2004 and at the beginning, they had a very less number of customers but now they are having a revenue of more than 7800000 US Dollar on paper. so you guys have thought once a while that if I have been created a cricket website as well as the statistic all latest news websites regarding to any sports then I will be earning a huge amount of revenue but in today's date it is very difficult to find out as there are bundles of websites available on the internet to shuffle the news.