How I Feel Meta Data and The Things People Are Coming Out With Helped Me Understand - Gangstalking in America

in crime •  8 years ago  (edited)

Gang-stalking is also known as proxy-stalking or organized crime and if you are feeling public oppression you are more then likely a victim of this crime.  These crimes are sponsored by the state and government and orchestrated throughout America in a way that is to diminish the rights of the people and put them into an altered reality which violates your human-rights as well as your constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Also, the gang-stalking or targeted individuals have gone more and more mainstream as they continue to perpetrate their targets into activities other then their own natural abilities.  And, as long as they got you walking on a certain path – they got you where they want you to be because you’re not walking on your own path – or the path in which you would have led yourselves to be on has been altered – destroyed – or even terminated completely with the use of medications, drugs, and/or the need for assistance or help from their governments.  The agenda behind mainstream is to make anyone that stands out willing to speak out about the issues they are faced with, and on a daily basis – some of which the people themselves are targeted individuals who are now lashing out at society for the crimes in which they feel the state perpetrated onto them.  When you can’t have a justice department that is actually looking out for your better interest in the ways of carrying out your work or being able to get gainful employment throughout your life – I’m sorry – but, you’re a targeted individual and are subject to many treatments from these people then other people would otherwise get.  And, as long as we as people are allowing a government to treat one person badly – then, we are actually allowing it to be treasonous towards all the people at any given moment they deem necessary.  And, they can place the blame on you – while never taking credit for their actions that led you to diminished employment, no transportation – taking away food rations that would otherwise be given when you should receive them, and it’s just one thing after another these people will do to keep you locked in their little boxes of metal data, and collecting and mining data on individuals.  But – that’s just the thing, when they are targeting one individual, they are not only looking at your contacts, but they are also looking at their contacts sometimes 10 levels deep, and after this – they are looking at half the population.  When they are looking into 100 people… they are ultimately looking at the whole population with cell-phones, and are able to use that data to corrupt your lives and corrupt your ability to use your own things in a manner that allows you to be able to reach the people necessary for you to find any kind of closure to the crimes that are being committed against you.  And, where mainstream touches on individual targeting of gang-stalking or this type of behavior – they are deeming these people as crazies and ultimately people who don’t know what they are talking about – when most people, actually do.  Some are just so disenfranchised – they don’t know how to tell you if they tried because they wouldn’t know where to start.  Remember, these people didn’t start it – other people did.  Other people who lack the ability to see how badly they are allowing for a world and a country to become so ruined by meta data and data mining collecting even what people do with their credit cards and things of that nature.  Since we aren’t willing to be chipped and placed into little boxes for the rest of our life, and fed pills to alter our natural abilities to thrive and be without their medications.  You are being led into the doom of your own mistakes and misfortune that other people are creating for you to be in, and the secret of it is death -  and that death my friend is tightly locked away into a little tight-knit society of crooks and people that would otherwise pervert your own behavior through harassment and electronic harassment and other methods and mechanisms to gain full access to you and all your information to destroy you not only on a personal level, but to isolate you away from anyone that could care – would care – or who wouldn’t be having it without a fight.  A strong legal family that knows the laws, and knows when they are being taken advantage of – to a point where a person is blacklisted from being able to get certain helps, and even blacklisted from getting jobs…  Yes, there are people out that want to help, but when it comes to the finances – in my eyes, nothing feels like it’s ever really worth it.  All of the pain and utter sadness and torture I feel my life has been led into, is straight into isolating me from knowing my rights, knowing legalese or the words they are using or how they are using them to incriminate me on a level that is admiralty law, where I’m out to hurt no one but just get and keep gainful employment to do exactly that what my government is telling me to do… become a member of society and get gainful employment and help myself and my family.  So, that is what I was set out to do – but when I cannot even fight the powers of data being transferred between the child support office down from the DMV and in a timely fashion where I can pay off my tickets and not be harassed immediately by police – to keep my own jobs, and keep my own car or mode of transportation for that matter – a bike.., and to keep my own food down in my belly long enough to be able to think clearly.  You see, because these people are targeting you in a fashion where you aren’t going to be able to think clearly.  And until you start keeping track of everything that is going on around you and keep track of certain things in your life – you’re never going to narrow it down to what is actually happening to you in your life.  All that I can say, is don’t just lie down and take it, and let these thugs run over you and your families lives.  Don’t let them stop you from seeing each other!  Don’t let them crush your dreams and crush your spirits and stop you from wanting to do anything in life, or anything more with your life.  Do it!  You’re not just someone that is supposed to be all pipe-lined filled with medications until you’re dead.  You’re supposed to be a human being filled with passions that fill your fellow humanity with gladness - not this utter chaos and sadness.  And, these diseases are being made and created through a sick environment of commercialized interests and tastes to get people killing themselves with their harmful foods that are out there - like Doritos, or anything with MSG.  Do you think any of these corporations care about your well being!?  HELL NO!  They don’t need a bunch of people willing to make their own non-GMO foods and grow their own vegetables anymore – they don’t want well informed population or want to give a true education.  They want to pipe-line you filled with information to get ready for a war-like America where we all hate each other because we’re either on the red side or the blue side, or we’re democratic or republicans or whatever else.  As long as they got people on different pages and believing in different things and never about unity or togetherness – they’ve got America right where they want you, and they are using mind control technologies on individuals who know a thing or two about their environments and how sick they truly are, and how we are now feeling so utterly broken because we are now finding out that it wasn’t our own doing ever.  It was all these people that want to play people out to be placed into any category that they wish.  To mainline frustration and confusion and this lack of representation in this country where anyone has got any nerve at all to stand up for a people that is hurting and a people that is disenfranchised at the state level even where people are being pushed over that edge of never returning.  They are pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed, because the states are filled with a bunch of pussies that want to make hell over good peoples lives because they can’t stand the power of their tongues.  So much so, that they will stop at nothing to get you to shut the hell up and take it like a man.  Be humble in the facts, and be humble with the disgrace.  Be humble and keep letting these men of greed keep coming in and taking and taking and taking and taking.  Keep being humble and take it!  That is the hands of the state in your daughters dress, but fucking take it like a man!  This is the terminology of the state.

It cares nothing about your abilities or anything that it takes away from you.  And, in all honesty while someone is going into the hospital, they want it to be two or more people and you not having a way to get to those people.  But, you otherwise would, and you otherwise could, but no one cares if someone in your life is suffering - or if that suffering carries over into your life.  As long as people can stay away from those who suffer long enough and don't ever feel as though these things can affect them - I think we stand wrong as humanity on that we could care more about each other then we do money or anything else and it's sad that thinking that helping people has become so hard for people.  But, if we could ever get to a place where we all had really nice things for ourselves and no one was really hurting, we could get to a place where we wouldn't be feeling all the pressures I believe we are being lead into at the hands of the price keepers, the bankers, the thug government, and these technologies that aren't allowing a people to thrive in their own lands, in their own cities, and in their own homes... and it's all made to hurt you, and not help you.  For if these states men and people really cared - you and everyone else would be getting helped.  But, the fact of the matter stands - that there are people...  super evil people that just don't care.  They will say how much they care - and be as two faced as a man can without being run over or something by karma or whatever - but, either way, there are people that are born into evil, and into the occultism.  For these people have no Heaven but this little to nothing life... it's seriously starting to piss me off what a waste it is - watching people cling into the worlds fascism and fake.  It makes me want to wish for something more, as if any humans knew the language they even share, and how much more powerful that it could be - if people used it.  But, mainly people are hesitant and afraid of being decent loving human beings.

Don't get me wrong, I love my fellow humanity - just, living with a humanity this grave is dangerous.  That's all I'm saying.  I hope you help spread my STEEM around as sharing is caring.  Thanks for reading my work and studies.  I appreciate you!

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