RE: The State = Unnecessary Force

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The State = Unnecessary Force

in crime •  8 years ago 

I've called it flaw (false or faux law) enfarcement...where victimless "crimes" are invented by state actors against innocent people.

I once served a year in state jail for something a county judge and clerk did, the latter of which then perjured herself in court to claim I did it, while the prosecuting attorney or court reporter doctored the "evidence" so that there was no proof of the lack of any element of the alleged "offense" before the jury, a group of other state actors whose jobs depended on continued/increasing the abusive power of "the state."

And the judge was equally complicit, by denying my right to counsel, to testify or to call witnesses in my defense on grounds later found by a higher court to be unconstitutional (but only for the appeal, not for the trial itself, where the same abuses took place)!

The same court later justified the theft of three of our children, then our van and sole means of escaping that hellhole of a county, and finally our home, leaving us destitute for seven years and finally homeless, on entirely bogus and equally unconstitutional grounds.

"The State" is a fiction, and one of the chief false idols of our modern age, which will eventually collapse when the weight of its crimes against the people finally erode its power base of taxes, or else a foreign army will take it all away by force once it is bankrupt and no longer able to sustain the financing of its unlawful police state armies turned loose upon its own populace.

There is a place for honest, helpful, courteous and kind peace officers. There is no justification for the armed and dangerous cabal of racketeer influenced gangsters preying upon the public with asset forfeiture thefts and similar tactics of only the most primitive, criminal and dictatorial countries (if the shoe fits).

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