Want Pizza/Pedogate to go away? A Handy Guide to Make That Happen.

in crime •  8 years ago  (edited)

Kindly Reader,

This rant is mainly directed at those whose misdeeds lurk in the shadows as they pretend to be ethical, kind people. I get it, politics is cutthroat. Can't be the nice guy all the time. But there's a huge difference between being assertive and being a human-shaped bag of excrement that exploits the very citizens they are supposed to 'represent.'

They obviously think we're stupid. Give us some sports, or home shopping network, malls or a Cosmo to read and we're suitably distracted. But they are insulated and cannot feel the discontent of the populace, bubbling away like a cauldron of Hang the Bastard... much like this:

thank you Matt Stone and Trey Parker for always being relevant.

Those who do not think that the American populace is looking for a fight haven't been paying attention. In fact, I bet they've been watching the same news anchors that told them Hillary Clinton was a sure win.

America is waking up.
America is angry.
America won't calm the fuck down until there's coffee and justice.
Coffee can wait, but justice can't.

So when people read interesting things in the Podesta Wikileaks, and want answers yet get shushed and silenced... well, that's a recipe for a fuck up of epic proportions because until answers are given, we must rely on what is revealed. And people are paying attention to this. Precedents have been set. We can see the patterns. We recognize the smell of bullshit.
What those dingbats are engaging in is a shitty version of the Streisand Effect. Wikipedia, ever the font of biased knowledge, defines the Streisand Effect as:

The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet. It is an example of psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware something is being kept from them, their motivation to access and spread the information is increased

we are so going to rain on pedo parades.

We've seen Twitter censored; Facebook filter 'fake news' aka anything that contradicts the established narrative. YouTube has pulled advertising revenue of "offending" videos and videos themselves... there is a distinct effort to quell all reporting of certain aspects of Pizzagate; such as Brian Podesta's ties to a center for exploited children (what one could view as a fox in the henhouse when it comes to bringing attention to kidnapped/trafficked children) ... Today, Feb 28 2017, several people had their Twitter accounts BANNED for mentioning Podesta's ties.

People who have spoken out about human trafficking are being silenced.

Does she look familiar? She's the awesome lady who grilled Rumsfeld over the CIA's trafficking of women and children through the Eastern bloc.

Reports that 60% of the internet is down due to Amazon's cloud issue;

Funny enough, Jeff Bezos, Amazon's owner, got a lump of money from the CIA in 2014.

The very same CIA that uses media people as propaganda tools.

I know I get a lot of mileage out of this pic, but dammit, it's not an Anon source.

Makes it really convenient, that a single company has a lot of websites in their data cloud, and can shut them down in tandem for whatever reason.

Want us to stop investigating? Then start dealing in truths.


What is this handkerchief/map bullshit?

Why won't they embrace the FBI?

Why did James Alefantis hashtag the freezer instagram pic with #murder?

Do you really expect us to believe that Russia was so awesome with it's hacking that they put several years of pedophilia-friendly images on James Alefantis' Instagram and he never noticed it? Or noticed the images on his instagram being hashtagged with pedo-friendly language?

And finally...
When will you, point by point, address the issues raised before claiming it to be debunked with nothing to back up your claims? When you start doing that, and show us that legitimate investigation is going on, then we'll back down. But when we get silenced via censorship or banning, or knowing that the subreddit for Pizzagate was killed, but the subreddit for Pedofriends got to stay... it paints an ugly picture of cover up.

And the harder you try to cover it up, the more we will search out what we can because children matter. Sex abuse matters. Piece of shit wealthy sacks of puke get NO JAIL TIME for violation of a child. Don't think we haven't noticed.

Child abuse is an issue that has no party. You're either against it or okay with it (but publicly against it because it's better that way) and this is an issue that can unite the people of America. Regardless of gender, regardless of sexual identity, regardless of religion or creed; decent folk do not condone the abuse, sexual or otherwise, of children.This will be our rallying cry, this is worth marching in the streets. We won't call it Pizzagate then; we'll give it a less provocative name that will bind people to our cause.

I've been an advocate for child welfare for a long time. I've woven such themes into stories; Broken Toys is a novel that is Pizzagate-specific; little did I know that three years ago I laid the foundation to cover such an insidious topic. The Viking, a character who is staunchly anti-pedophile, came up with a Norse-esque Bushido code.

-Have the courage to stand by your convictions.
-Speak the truth. Liars cannot be trusted.
-Live with honor. Do good deeds not of out expectation of reward, but because it’s the right thing.
-Hold faith with your community, for they are the ones who will help put out house fires, lend shoulders to lean on, and celebrate with. When you violate your neighbors, you violate your community. Do so at your own peril, for we take care of our own.
-Live with personal discipline.
-Help when asked, and pass it forward with good deeds. Let no cry of help go unanswered.
-Protect our children fiercely, for their hurts will form their world, a world their children will dwell.

Our species has given up survival of the fittest and we’re paying the price.
If a dog bites several people, it’s put down. It’s time to put that mentality forth to our own species. Cull the rabid ones that befoul others.
If law enforcement cannot do it’s job and enforce the laws, then we the people must take the laws into our own hands. This should be a last resort, but sometimes a preemptive measure. Our local law enforcement is corrupt. They will not help you. They will ignore you. Not all are bad. But those who are tend to be at the top of the totem pole. We can’t remove that pole without permission. So we must build another.

There are only a handful of reasons why one would be executed. There must be compelling evidence of the crime, and justice is up to the victim’s and/or family.

You will be executed if you:
-Rape anyone. Death will be via Blood Eagle for one guilty of raping a child.
-Mutilate any living being for personal gratification.
-Treason against the country and it’s people.

That is fiction, but if we must adopt a similar mindset of take no shit, hold people accountable, and if going up the chain of command isn't possible, then we forge a new chain.

This citizen-fueled investigation is the first link in that new chain. If we could trust law enforcement to do it's job, we wouldn't be sifting through information and making connections. If law enforcement could be trusted at the highest level, we wouldn't have the epidemic we do; that's a fact.

It's my personal opinion that anyone who helps cover up child sex abuse is guilty of a crime against humanity and should be held accountable.

What does it say about our society that we give baby-raping shit stains a free pass and send them back home where their victim lives and penalize the plebes decades of prison-slavery?

We are better than this, America. And those who want us to drop the subject might want to address our concerns instead of silencing us... because you're calling the rain to your parade.

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Great commentary and honestly Pizzagate could be used in textbooks on the Streisand Effect. Thanks for the hard work!

Thank you!

excellent post mandireiserra

Very well articulated! Much appreciated!

The discontent for the lack of Truth from government has spanned party lines...
Republican powers doing nothing about John Podesda disgruntles the Republicans, in the same way Democrat Powers doing nothing about Larry Silverstein disgruntled the regular Democrats... Hopefully people are learning that Government does not distribute Justice, never has and never will, does not matter how it is organized.