How to solve the problems in Honduras and elsewhere? ARM LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS!

in crime •  8 years ago 

It is really horrible to see videos like the one attached to this post, when the solution is so easy...

Why the police in third world countries with high crime-rates is not efficient

Sincerely: would you go in the most crime ridden parts of your city for a 100 bucks a month risking to get killed, or would you prefer to go to the safer parts of the city and write parking tickets?
I know for sure that I would not risk my life for a 100 bucks a month, would you?
Also the possibility exists that sometimes because of the low wages police men are forced to enhance their income and choose to go with the side which pays more, which not always is the good side...
So spending on more police does not help somebody in a criminal neighborhood.

Why have a fire-extinguisher at home if you can call the understaffed fire department?

It is like always... people say, if you have a problem with some criminal gangs, just call the police... if you are about to get raped, tell the rapist that you will be calling the police department.
I think this does not prevent crimes and in the best of all cases if you are lucky you will get included in a crime statistic.

The mathematics behind arming law-abiding citizens

Even in Honduras for each gang member right now you have 20-100 victims I would say. So arming the victims will make the criminal consider twice before committing a crime... the grandma actually might kill him. Perhaps he robs 5 people still successfully... but the sixth guy shoots quicker and kills the wrong-doer... One less and 15 to a 100 victims spared.

Right now they can feel safe by robbing a law-abiding citizen or elderly. they will not be able to respond in kind.

I think the streets would get cleaned and safer again within 12 months. The criminals would start working a normal job again and we tourists could come and make some great vacations in these wonderful landscapes, creating jobs in the tourist industry. I would love it!

What do you think?

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Another country where living is just hell. You know when I watch videos like that, i really feel blessed and lucky that I live in Mauritius where I have never seen such problems.
Wondering when there will be a free and peaceful world, will it happen or it's just a dream...
Thanks for sharing these info mate!

Mauritius really might be an option... I do not hear much news regarding people killing each other from there... but I do not hear in reality anything neither good or bad... Is it not boring there? I lived on an island for a while and it was really boring...

There is really no wars or fight going on here mate, it's the real definition of peace I can say!
The island is in fact not so small, it's a big island with over 1.3 million inhabitants. I understand that you were bored on an island you stayed, which one was it>
I worked for 2 month in the Maldives, and it was really boring, there is nothing you can there. No roads, nor cars, no mall, nothing!!!
Here it is different in Mauritius, it's like in a big city.

great post & relly verry good video

Ops world seems going to worst from worst :/ Anyway great article and informative video! Really appreciate your effort!


Thanks! What do you mean with "Ops World"? Original Posters World?

Ops, means something like Oh My God... something that I feel bad... like that!

Great post!

Thanks! Although seems like the topic does not get much attention... I think it is a very important topic when I see all the havoc everywhere... perhaps my title or the picture from the video grabs no attention...

i loved the logic behind arming law-abiding citizens that is something to look forward to thanks for sharing this resteemed

Thanks for resteeming! Yeah... sometimes the logic is quite easy...

Thanks for sharing this post with us i Resteemed it because i think more intelligent people would be able to answer on this topic

Thanks for resteeming! I hope the message gets spread!

the most dangerous place :O Thanks for sharing resteemed

Thank you very much for resteeming!

Great video and really post. 100% like and resteem

Thanks! I hope the message gets out! :)

@mexbit - Sire, it seems horrible. Sometimes it might be happen with low wages of police men Sire. Like the way you think Sire. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post Sire.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Let's hope someone in a position to change things gets the message!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Honduras is a hell. People are living in a fear that they would get killed. we are fortunate that it doesn't happen in our country. Thanks for the video @mexbit

As poverty keeps spreading in the western world I think soon the situation will go to the same level... But also in the current environment I feel it is unacceptable than one has to fear big guys in the street... I would very much appreciate to be able to defend myself anyhow....

There is no solution for this problem. And if they wanne start -- start at the corupt top of the country.

I think the solution has to be bottom up, not top down... The top down approach is the current one and it does not work....

How can you change the bottom if the top prohibits you from douing that?

A great step taken by you
appreciate your post
nice 1

I hope the reach of my articles keep growing... Thanks for reading!

it will buddy .keep up the good work :)

amigo #resteemia at your service

'if you are about to get raped, tell the rapist that you will be calling the police department.' that means not only raped, definitely you will be killed. nice work @mexbit

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

so much crime that just make me feel upset the world is one but don't seem to be anymore

By sending professional criminals to those places with really peaceful background, it is really a waste...

common problems in some countries nowadays..

The problem of one not being able to defend themselves you have everywhere... only in those parts of the world robberies and killings are more frequent...

And when we think deeply into these problems arising in so many places in the world, all these fights just bring more wealth to the already powerful people. They just use the normal ones to do their dirty jobs. If only the common man could think before acting, life would be beautiful.
Sad sad to see all these sufferings

Right now the criminals are thinking: this old grandmother can be robbed without a problem... and they are right... they are thinking alread and their conclusions are correct. By changing the parameters they would reach the conclusion that it is better not to rob her..

Gun violence or simply violence of any nature is plaguing the most parts of the world especially third world countries mostly in areas where their is no proper functioning of Law enforcement systems and police as well.They seem to do not involve them in encounters with these criminals out of fear for their lives or pressure from superiors at power.This problem prevails all over the world my Friend but i think this should stop now otherwise it will lead to civil wars if the conditions worsen any more!! :/

Security can also be enhanced in the Western world by applying this method... also grandmas in New York are not able to defend themselves!

Lol I think only russian grand mothers would be strong enough to defend themselves!! :P

common problems in some countries nowadays..

Common problem same solution! :)

Great article and excellent video sir.

Thanks! The video is not mine though....


@mexbit how our gun.hahahahhahah

All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride.

we are fortunate that it doesn't happen in our country. Thanks for the video @mexbit

Great post

It's really sad to see that the people have to live in fear of death everyday, every second they breath. Thinking that you could be one of the 20+ people to die in a week. It's like living in a hell. @mexbit thanks for sharing this post!

Yeah... and somehow they do not put pressure on authorities to arm themselves or leave the place for good...

Another country where living is just hell. You know when I watch videos like that,ok.