RE: Pedophile : Monster , Serious Disturbed Individual , or just a Lifestyle Choice ??

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Pedophile : Monster , Serious Disturbed Individual , or just a Lifestyle Choice ??

in crime •  7 years ago 

being gay or transgender doesnt harm anyone, being a pedophile obviously harms people, they aren't comparable. also being gay or transgender isnt a lifestyle choice, and pedophilia are most common among people that are straight or pretending to be straight:
"As an expert panel of researchers convened by the National Academy of Sciences noted in a 1993 report: "The distinction between homosexual and heterosexual child molesters relies on the premise that male molesters of male victims are homosexual in orientation. Most molesters of boys do not report sexual interest in adult men, however" (National Research Council, 1993, p. 143, citation omitted)."

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