Doctors need to pay attention

in crime •  7 years ago  (edited)

Few weeks ago I had posted about how India is facing shortage of good doctors and the present lot of doctors are not passionate about serving mankind. There are many cases which sometimes makes me genuinely think that it is good to die of the unwanted diseases rather than depend on some unskilled doctor to treat you wasting your time and money.
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Recently a man in India's national capital was sedated to operate for the head injuries and the doctor mistook him for another patient and started operating on his leg by making a incision. The man who was already suffering for his head injuries had to bear with the unbearable pain in the leg too. I wonder how can a doctor mistake a man for someone else and operate upon him without bothering to check his case file. Well, this is not the only isolated case of a goof ups by doctors back here in India. There are many more and some are very scary.

In another bizarre case of medical negligence, a woman came back to the hospital a week after she delivered her baby to check the reason for her acute nausea and the uncontrollable abdominal pain. Since there was no reason for the symptoms, duty doctor advised a scan and the reports were disturbing. The doctors who operated on her during the c section delivery had left back a hand towel inside her.

Had this lady been a little late in wanting to find the cause of her pain, it would have cost her her life. The husband of this young mom promptly filed a case of medical negligence against the doctor and the hospital and got the doctor arrested for the same.

Doctors are seen as life savers and hold a prestigious position in the society. People consider them next to God and they are expected to save lives. I completely understand that they are humans and are bound to make mistakes, but these mistakes are not something that they can give excuses for.

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You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

In another bizzare case of medical negligence, a woman came back to the hospital a week after she delivered her baby to check the reason for her acute nausea and the uncontrollable abdominal pain.
It should be bizarre instead of bizzare.

good article dear
all the best

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If in my country Indonesia doctor less serve if the sick is poor people @ samysamy

Almost in all countries like that my best friend

This problem is everywhere mam.

I second what most of the people said in comments lime @sanjoy22.

India in particular, where we are 130 crores people, with doctors to persons ratio is not as per the international standard, this is bound to happen.

But, you are right, doctors are more intended to make more money rather than treating persons. More and more tests, even for stomach ache, headache etc.