Putin giving Alexander Zaldastanov the order of honor in 2013.

in crimea •  last year 


He still wears it on his biker vest. Zaldastanov is the leader of the Russian biker gang the Night Wolves.

On this day in 2014, the gang would take over government buildings in Crimea and block roads ahead of the Russian takeover of the peninsula. Zaldastanov was awarded the medal for "the return of Crimea" for these efforts. Kadyrov and Prigozhin also were given this medal.

Of particular note, the Crimean medal had the date as February 20th for the start of the Russian takeover of Crimea. Two days before President Yanukovych would be impeached by the Ukrainian Rada. Russia often likes to say it took over Crimea because of the impeachment, but they can't even keep their propaganda straight. Russia was already sending in "little green men" to Crimea before the impeachment.

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