"Let our speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that that we may know how we answer economic man." Let us imagine when we place a record and listen to your visitor as he or she talks.unruly , try and listen to the conversation on tape when the visitor might ve gone.Then notice your own contributions then assess yourself . We all have to assess ourselves with supportive statement, correcting or inspiring statement , being indifferent or better quiet.. Let us always remember that our silence means consent in our communications.Some of are used to criticizing our fellow friends and colleagues both at homes, offices, schools, and social media maybe they do it un their subconsciousness. let us all try and change towards our fellow human beings and remember that the p that gossip about another person to you will equally gossip about you to some one else
Once we develop ourselves over time to having itching ears, discussing the affairs of men and women .Let us STOP this!! before it is too late.It is better we make a deliberation in how to stay free from critick and gossips because it will definitely mar us instead let our words concern in our fellow human beings be described as inspiring, motivating and encouraging
!!!!!!!;!"Hope all my fellow steemits will read ,digest , digress and upvote . Still @okagurosemary. thanks for taking a glance.
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