How Do We Handle Criticisms?

in criticisms •  6 years ago 

How do We Handle Criticisms?


Nobody's perfect. No matter how much we do our best, we will never be enough for everyone. Someone will see something wrong in our works. Even if we always give our best in everything that we do, criticisms are inevitable. People have different opinions and standards. You have to accept that you can't please everyone. Criticisms can either help you or torment you depending on how you handle them. You have to properly distinguish which critcisms can help you make yourself and your works better.

Constructive criticisms can be harsh and straightforward but it has good intentions. Sometimes the truth can be painful. A slap of reality is hard to handle. But you have to swallow this bitter pill if you want to improve on your craft. How do you know if a criticism is construcrive? For example, a friend told you that you could've produced a better result if you've done it on a different way, then that is constructive especially if he or she tried to sound nice and chose his or her words carefully. Some people even give you advices and suggestions after they give you criticisms. You would know that he or she has good intenions and is only after your personal development.

_Almost Always. I read technical stuff and dwell to understand it_.png

You also have to face the fact that when you're going up, there are jealous people who will try to drag you down. That's an unfortunate reality in this cruel world. These people are just waiting for you to commit a single mistake and will take it as an opportunity to badmouth you and discourage you to keep on achieving your goals. These are destructive criticisms meant to make you stumble or even stop you from going up. They will throw you with harsh and below-the-belt criticisms that are apparently unhelpful for your personal growth.

It is important that we know how to accept criticisms. But it is more important that we know which ones we should accept and ponder on. You cannot let negative vibes ruin you or prevent you from going up. Eyes on your goal. Don't get distracted. Whatever your haters say doesn't matter. You know who you are and what you are doing. As long as you know what you're doing is right, then you're good to keep on going. Don't stop or slow down just because someone told you so. Be the driver or your own success and do it wisely.


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Negative criticism seeks to run a person down by attacking them through their actions, while positive criticism seeks to make a person better by stating what he/she should have done differently without attacking them. Regardless the sort of criticism that we may be getting, we shouldn't allow it to run us down.

Always look for the intention and message in the criticism. If it was made to discredit you, your work or bring you down, simply ignore it but if the intention is right and it gives you clues yo what you can do better, accept the part that you think will be useful to you and ignore what's not useful. Criticism is part of the hurdle that we have to go through in life and we should never allow it to prevent us from finishing our race.

Criticism is such a big issue. Unfortunately, it has led to many failures as many people get discouraged by petty criticism turning away from their life goals and dreams.
It is important people realise when to discard criticisms especially those given with ill intentions.

However, they could be a good thing when they are used as instruments for growth and personal improvement. Critics hold the power only if you let them.