
in croatia •  8 years ago 

Picpocket or not?

So I went on a vacation in Croatia and had a great time there!
Later when I was telling my friends about the vacation and showed them some pictures I came across a picture where I thought to see someone pickpocketing someone else. My friends on the other hand didn't agree with me.
Here is the picture in question...

Sorry about the wrong orientation don't know what happened.

And thus the discussion was born...

They thought that the two people in the picture were friends, family or at least somehow related. That the guy was just looking for something that the woman was having in her purse for him.
I ofcource disagreed with them and said I would ask the big internet society. I decided I could put this up on steemit to see what you guys think about it.

here is a crop of the picture


I would really appreciate your guy's oppinion about this so let me know what you rethink in the comments below and don't forget to vote me up if you think it's a pickpocket. And while you're at it why not that follow button?

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